Philosophy Magazine

The Latest from Philosophy Magazine.

Philosophy was defined as the love of wisdom by the Ancient Greeks two-and-half Millennia ago. The first person to talk about philosophy as the love of wisdom was the Greek philosopher Pythagoras. Philosophy is the highest of all and can be found at the top of the pyramid of knowledge for all the universe. Metaphysics is the first branch of philosophy concerned with first principles, and the whole can be divided into: being, the-world, and being-in-the-world–where being is the highest on account of the Cartesian cogito. This website represents being as Bad Behaviourism and Existentialism Now. This website represents the-world or God or Nature as The Theory of One. And this site represents being-in-the-world or portfolio theory as The Bernoulli Model and The Camus Distribution. presents as a vast amusement park for the mind and soul in the tradition of the Intellectual Love of God that I launched as Philosophy and Science for the Third Millennium on 1.1.2001. It represents my contribution to wisdom in a largely unwise world. Let us then all join together in doing the work necessary to create in the desert as we turn and bravely face the future for all posterity. Cheers!

The Uncertainty Principle

contrasts Einstein with Heisenberg, relativity with quantum theory, behavioralism with existentialism, certainty with uncertainty and philosophy with science—finally arriving at the inescapable Platonic conclusion that the true philosopher is always striving after Being and will not rest with those multitudinous phenomena whose existence are appearance only.

The Unpardonable Sin

Charges all honourables, psychiatrists, police and bank managers in Canada with heresy, child abuse, treason against Christ 2.0 the Sovereign, and the unpardonable sin that Jesus Christ spoke of—the deliberate refusal to follow the light when seen.

Closing The Liars Loophole

identifies the malignant cancer within the healthcare system and society as the outwardly focusing behavioral psychological model, which denies the existence of consciousness—while the inwardly focusing existential model makes consciousness and the soul primordially important.

King Christ Lloyd Bek (2022)

King Christ Lloyd Bek is a mathematician, actuary, philosopher, scientist, metaphysician, consultant and published writer—and superior spreadsheet, database and risk modeling craftsman. King Christ rightly believes himself to be The Right Honourable Christopher Bek, The Philosopher King Christ, Sovereign of Earth, Christ 2.0, and Saint Christopher Lloyd. His consulting rate for essay writing and portfolio theory development and implementation is $25/Hour. His Excellency’s telephone number is 403-471-7440, his emailing address is, and his mailing address is 602, 1133 8th Avenue SW, Calgary AB Canada T2P 1J7. A Philosophy Magazine 1600-word essay takes six days to write and costs $1,200. King Christ could write an essay for the doctors on Addiction, an essay for the police on The Rule of Law, and an essay for the honourables on The Portfolio of Canada.



The Uncertainty Principle

contrasts Einstein with Heisenberg, relativity with quantum theory, behavioralism with existentialism, certainty with uncertainty and philosophy with .....

The Unpardonable Sin

charges all honourables and doctors in Canada with heresy, child abuse and the unpardonable sin that Christ spoke of—which is the deliberate refusal.....

Closing The Liars Loophole

identifies the malignant cancer within the healthcare system and society as the outwardly focusing behavioral psychological model, which denies the ex.....

The Deontological Argument

The Deontological Argument contrasts the ontological argument with the deontological argument to reveal the leap of faith necessary to achieve higher .....

Existentialism and Human Emotion—Text

Art and Moral Choice tells the story of The Fall and of the story behind The Fall that took place between the author, Albert Camus, and his French com.....

Art and Moral Choice

Art and Moral Choice tells the story of The Fall and of the story behind The Fall that took place between the author, Albert Camus, and his French com.....


Singularity identifies the trigger of the looming paradigm shift from the three-dimensionally conscioused Everyman to the four-dimensionally conscious.....

QED Baby

presents a complementary view of reality—and argues that the synthesis of this complementary view with the everyday view is necessary for achieving .....

Transcending Uncertainty

recounts the events leading up to the paradigm shift of quantum theory in 1925—and then takes a look at what we still have to learn from it. The na.....

Against Physics

recounts the two major physical theories developed during the Twentieth century of relativity and quantum theory in context of Ockham’s principle of.....

The Allegory of One

The Allegory of One tells Plato’s allegory of the cave and the story of Creation—and then considers how things might have turned out differently h.....

The Great Cosmic Accounting Blunder

The Great Cosmic Accounting Blunder compares the two physical fixedpoints in the universe—lightspeed and Planck’s constant—and argues that we ha.....

The Unified Field Theory

The Unified Field Theory counts down the Euclidean hits from five to one in categorically nailing the vast majority of this little thing I like to cal.....

The New Left Bank

The 2018 book Left Bank by Agnès Poirier: Art, Passion and the Rebirth of Paris 1940–1950 tells the story of existentialism, jazz and the miracle of Paris in the 1940s. It is a gushing love letter to the French capital that featured Simone De Beauvoir, Jean-Paul Sartre, Samuel Beckett and wave after and wave of oversexed, overpaid Americans–according to Stuart Jeffries. Consider the argument that Downtown-West Calgary, Alberta, Canada is chalked full of both human, civic and educational potential, as The New Left Bank that is, in fact, a great place to live and create as we embark on the journey of our lives into the Third Millennium. Now consider that The Loophole Coffee Bar, located on 1040 8th Avenue SW in Calgary on Saturdays in and around 11:30am, could be the one fixedpoint that moves the Earth in the spirit of Archimedes. Those of us that meet regularly call ourselves as The League of Extraordinary People and include, as shown in the picture above from left to right, the Philosopher Erico Dionne Viglione (, the Philosopher King Chris (, the two-term MLA, MP, Cabinet Minister, Lawyer, and Quadriplegic, Honourable Kent Hehr (, and the brilliant retired Teacher Peter Rilstone. All educated individuals are welcome to come and join in or just sit and listen if one is new to philosophy and self-awareness. For the record, philosopher was defined as the love of wisdom Millennia ago by the Greeks and, according to, 95 percent of people believe they are self-awareness, but the real number is 12 to 15 percent. Some might even see this temporal, geographic and existential commencement as ground zero as the starting point of a metaphysical revolution that could change and, ultimately, save the world. See you–out there!”

Dion’s Soul Candy

Please find below the best of the best of philosophic clip art. Please know that Dion would welcome any top-notch pictures attached to an email that could eventually find their way to fruition in his excellent collection on the site. Note that Dion has served, in an unofficial capacity, as Special Advisor to the Principal of Philosophy Magazine for the better part of a decade. Enjoy!

Navalny’s Words to a Corrupt Judge

Alex Navalny’s ‘final words’ before being sentenced by a corrupt judge at the end of one of Putin’s many trumped up cases against him. The six pages are excerpts from the following book:Navalny, Alexei, Patriot – A Memoir, Toronto: Penguin Random House Canada Limited, 2024

The Elephant in the Room

Why Are You Here?

And God Said

Paradigm Shift!

Comparative Health Care

Reading is Sexy

Marilyn_Monroe_reading_Joyce_Ulysses (1)

Essays—By Christopher Bek

Material by Other Writers



Essays—The Theory of One Collection

The Bernoulli Form


The Bernoulli Model is a risk management and decisionmaking methodology that presents the same consistent storyboard for all organizational risk factors.  The storyboard sits atop a stylishly-engineered portfolio of scientific management algorithms that form an advanced forecasting system which is mathematically accessible to executives.  It is named after a family of Swiss mathematicians who lives several hundred years ago and is founded on portfolio theory developed by Harry Markowitz at the University of Chicago in 1952.  Markowitz forever linked reward with risk in the same way that Einstein linked space with time in that both the expected outcome and the attendant uncertainty of outcome are required to complete the picture.

The Camus Distribution

The Camus Distribution. Modern portfolio theory uses the mean to represent reward and the standard deviation to represent risk—thus laying the groundwork for risk-reward efficiency analysis. The method of moments builds on mean and variance by adding skewness and kurtosis to represent the first four statistical moments. The normal and Cauchy distributions are continuous probability distributions, symmetric about the mean. The Cauchy is also the distribution of the ratio of two independent normally distributed random variables with mean zero. The Cauchy distribution has undefined moments, but the first four may be calculated by truncating the tails. The Camus distribution is a four-moment, closed-form distribution that I built by blending the normal with the Cauchy, using simulation-based optimization. The Camus Distribution is the crown jewel of The Bernoulli Model. My great dog-God Camus is on the cover of my book Existentialism Now.

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