Subject—Open Call from Risk Management Services

Dion Erico Viglione, Wendy Addo (Sankofa),
Rich Théroux, Jess Théroux,
Kent Hehr, Sonya Savage,
Corinne Cruickshank, Neale Cruickshank,
Greg Kenny, Shawn Kenny,
Dr Gordon Sick, Dr Roman Reznikov
Keanu Reeves, Carrie-Anne Moss,
Bill Maher, Mark Giordano,
Deborah Harry, Johnny Gaudreau,
Justin Trudeau, and Dr Eric Dodson

King Christopher Lloyd Bek
602, 1133 Eighth Avenue SW
Calgary AB Canada T2P 1J7
The Theory of One
Existentialism Now
The Bernoulli Model
6 February 2022

Dear Stakeholders & Shareholders, Officers & Directors, Honourables & Doctors, and Society in the
Subject—Open Call from Risk Management Services
Quotation—What everyone wants from life is continuous and genuine happiness. Happiness is found in the rational understanding of life and the universe. —Baruch Spinoza
Do you know what a paradigm shift is? There is an ancient story of three monks that happened across a flag blowing in the wind. The first monk said the wind was moving (geocentricity = earth centre). The second monk said the flag was moving (heliocentricity = sun centre). The third monk then trumped the first two by claiming it is only our minds that are moving (psychocentricity = mind centre). So, whereas Copernicus went from geocentricity to heliocentricity, The Theory of One takes us from heliocentricity to psychocentricity. Do you know what a paradigm shift is? According to, “95 percent of people believe they are selfaware, but the real number is 12 to 15 percent.” That means, on a good day, that four out of five people are lying to themselves about themselves all day long. That is a sick statistic which is fully owned by the officers & directors, honourables & doctors. History will show, under their dominion, that only 12 to 15 percent of people were self-aware, and the vast majority of the rest were liars. Socrates maintained that the man who lies to himself has an enemy living within. He is not even a person. He is just a chaos of selfish desires wrapped in an animal hide. And that, in fact, is four out of five Canadians on a good day. The officers & directors, honourables & doctors are the authors of the statistic and they have no right to oppose my plan to turn the statistic around sothat only 12 to 15 percent are not self-aware. The credibility factor of the officers & directors, honourables & doctors opposing My Divine Proclamation is, in fact, zero.

Do you have faith and reason? We are compelled by faith and reason to acknowledge the existence of natural inalienable rights and duties independent of convention, agreement or contract. We are compelled by faith and reason that the officers & directors, honourables & doctors make the fifteen percent commitment to God, the Mathematician. In a forty-hour week, that is, three hours of personal time and three hours of company time—or the equivalent monetary value. Risk Management Services offers three exciting products that puts the Everyman face-toface with God, the Mathematician. Firstly, Philosophy Magazine and the Risk Management Review comprise essays and books of essays. An essay is a try. It is a written piece designed to present an idea, propose an argument, express an emotion, or initiate a debate. Secondly, The Bernoulli Model is a postmodern realization of modern portfolio theory for looking at anything holistically; based in Microsoft Office and the suite of decision tools. It is portfolio theory, scientific management and decisionmaking for the Third Millennium. The Bernoulli Model provides a self-aware layer of Management for any organization. And thirdly, The Bernoulli Stations present 2 themselves as coffee shops housing mathematical alcoves for any would-be-Mathematician to plug-in to. Each alcove would have a computer with mathematical-learning software and a full range of mathematical books. Bernoulli Stations would initially be located near LRT stations throughout the city. Each Bernoulli Station would house between one and six alcoves making it the perfect math/philosophy bar for a potentially-great city like Calgary.

Do you know God’s thoughts? Risk Management Services is the God company. With essays, writers essentially serve up their essence for all to see. Essays are appeals to God. Postmodern portfolio theory essentially interpolates and extrapolates on the work of Nobel-prize-winning Harry Markowitz in delivering organizations into salvation. Postmodern portfolio theory looks at the organization and tries to see it whole. Math bars bring life to the community, rejoins man with God, and are the new church we go to pray we pass our actuarial exams. Math bars could redefine the Canadian intellectual landscape. All three products resonate with the sound of God’s voice in a choir of mathematical symphonic harmony. The fifteen percent commitment to God is an ideal number. I would be willing to accept, as officers, directors and shareholders, people who respond favorably and are willing to make a five percent commitment to, Risk Management Services, the God company (ie. two hours per week).

Do you want to be a part of something great? If the reader is interested, I would ask whether they like to be an officer, director and/or shareholder. For officers and directors, I would award titles for favorably responding to this letter. For shareholders, I would award one share for favorably responding to this letter; one share for writing a quality essay; and one share for donating money or facilitating the acquisition of funds. I see Risk Management Services as responding to each appeal individually. The work would largely entail providing feedback on Microsoft Office documents (eg. essays and models). I would greatly appreciate a response from each of you: Dion Erico Viglione, Wendy Addo (Sankofa), Rich Théroux, Jess Théroux, Kent Hehr, Sonya Savage, Corinne Cruickshank, Neale Cruickshank, Greg Kenny, Shawn Kenny, Dr Gordon Sick, Dr Roman Reznikov, Keanu Reeves, Carrie-Anne Moss, Bill Maher, Mark Giordano, Deborah Harry, Johnny Gaudreau, Justin Trudeau, and Dr Eric Dodson. I swear to die trying to save the children. I will deliver the planet into salvation by compelling other to make the same oath. Know God’s thoughts; follow the argument; be self-aware; take responsibility; and swing wild! Sincerely,