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Christopher Bek has produced a revolutionary physics theory and claims that this theory of one (2001) solves the greatest scientific problem of all time by uniting relativity theory (1905) with quantum theory (1925). According to Bek, it proves that the universe is bounded at light speed and Planck’s constant, that there is only one photon (a being of light), that one photon is God (the Bible also says that God is light), and that reality is an illusion—meaning the moon does not really exist. He says that physicists are ignoring the theory because it effectively pulls-their-pants-down. The theory is dead simple and can be explained in just a few minutes.

The theory of one brings the reader face to face with the stunning realization that the universe is bounded—rather than unbounded, as Einstein and others have asserted. The theory of one delivers the ocean. It is the theory that spells the end of physics. It is the monolith of 2001—a spacetime odyssey.

Existentialism Now brings the reader face to face with the stunning realization that each of us has total freedom and total responsibility for the entire world. Setting this realization of salvation in motion is easily arrived at by simply challenging students to take responsibility for planet Earth. This singular existential flap of a butterfly’s wings ultimately saves the world.

Available at Amazon, FriesenPress,
Chapters, and Barnes & Noble

The Theory of One World