Author: Jean Paul Sartre
Bad Faith by Sartre (1965)
Forward—Bad faith is the technical term coined by Kierkegaard's wayward twentieth-century disciple Jean-Paul Sartre which the state of human inauthenticity where one attempts to flee from freedom, responsibility and anguish. It is a paradoxical and…
Existentialism and Human Emotions by Sartre (1957)
Existentialism Existentialism and Human Emotions I should like on this occasion to defend existentialism against some charges which have been brought against it. First, it has been charged with inviting…
Existentialism and Human Emotion—Text
Existentialism I should like on this occasion to defend existentialism against some charges which have been brought against it. Quote:- Existential psychoanalysis has not yet found its Freud. —Jean-Paul Sartre First,…