Right Honourable Mary Simon
Right Honourable Justin Trudeau
Right Honourable Richard Wagner
Honourable Sonya Savage
Honourable Kent Hehr
Dr Roman Reznikov, HUM
Denis Villeneuve, Film Director
Honourable Danielle Smith
Honourable Rachel Notley
Right Honourable Joe Bidden
Dr Roy Turner, Rockyview Hospital
Mr Christopher Bek
602, 1133 Eighth Avenue SW
Calgary AB Canada T2P 1J7
The Theory of One
Existentialism Now
The Bernoulli Model
PhilosophyMagazine.com, .org, .net
28 March 2024
Dear Mary, Justin, Richard, Danielle, and Roy,
Subject—Do the Math!
Quotation—No one wants to believe the truth is as simple as it is. —Stephen Hawking
Please allow me to reintroduce myself.
I am King Christ Lloyd Bek: Mathematician, actuary, philosopher, scientist, metaphysician, consultant and published writer. God is a Mathematician. I am a Mathematician. Do the Math! On the morning of 14 March 2024, I was being held as an involuntary patient at the Rockyview Hospital psychiatric ward. I was there for threatening suicide based on my belief that the government has been stonewalling me and my arguments for the past 28 years. I was reading Nietzsche’s Thus Spoke Zarathustra (1883), and a psychiatrist named Dr Roy Turner came up to me and reintroduced himself. Dr Turner reminded me that he was my psychiatrist for a time starting in 2003, and had not seen me in 15 years He remembered my Theory of One that I had shown him back then. He said that he had sent it to some university physics professors, and had received positive feedback. Since then, I have been reading, writing and working the problems of the three branches of metaphysics as represented by my three physical-metaphysical projects (The Theory of One, Existentialism Now, and The Bernoulli Model). I am arguing that these projects represent mature philosophy and science ready for prime time now. I would further argue that it is time for Canada to engage in a war-like effort and evolve nationwide from behaviourism and determinism to existentialism and freewill.
Behaviourism is a movement in psychology, psychiatry, and philosophy that emphasizes the outward, objective, behavioral aspects of human existence. It disregards inward experiential features and sometimes inner procedural aspects as well. Behaviorism supports determinism, and both contend that the environment is the only determinant of behavior—and that man has no freewill and no internal roots of behavior. Determinism asserts that all events, including human action, are ultimately determined by causes external to the will. The behavioural matrix omnipresent in Canada is a prison for our minds, and the psychiatrists, supported by the honourables and doctors, are the jailers. Behaviourism says: no freedom and no responsibility, other than to behave normally. Existentialism says: total freedom and total responsibility. Behaviourism is objective, while existentialism is subjective.
Dr Turner also told me that he had talked to the psychiatrist Dr Thomas S Szasz at a conference before the great man died in 2012. In their encounter, Szasz told him that the psychiatric profession had blacklisted him for his books including The Myth of Mental Illness. Notably, from the 2011 preface of the Fiftieth Anniversary to his 1961 The Myth of Mental Illness, Szasz wrote: For more than fifty years I have maintained that mental illnesses are counterfeit diseases, that coerced psychiatric relations are like coerced labor relations (slavery) or coerced sexual relations (rape), and I spent the better part of my professional life criticizing the concept of mental illness, objecting to the practices of involuntary institutional psychiatry, and advocating the abolition of “psychiatric
slavery” and “psychiatric rape.”
While it may not be true of everyone who has psychiatry and antipsychotics forced upon them, I do not now nor have I ever needed these wicked devices. What I do need is to deprescribe from pharmaceuticals, and to meet with psychiatrists like Dr Turner so that they have an opportunity to consider my arguments, and allow me to impart upon him and everyone else knowledge regarding Philosophy and Science for the Third Millennium. I would argue that Dr Turner should make the twenty percent commitment to God—and that all Honourables and Doctors move towards following him—followed by everyone else, naturally. I would like the government to have a change of heart, go to a four-day work week, and spend the fifth-day as self-day studying mathematics and metaphysics. I propose that Canadian Honourables and Doctors spend their self-day studying actuarial science in the morning, and existential philosophy in the afternoon. Dr Turner could spend his self-day studying my website and associated material, talking to me, and writing letters and reports to the Honourables and Doctors about the Earth-shattering paradigm shift that I am bringing. I am the bringer of pain and the maker of rain. The changes I am proposing are painful because I am asking people to use ninety percent of their minds rather than just using ten percent, as they do now. I am the maker of rain as I am going to turn the Everyman into the Superman, who will then proceed to solve all the world’s problems. Just give me a chance to prove that I am Christ 2.0 and that I am able to turn the world into something greater than anyone could possibly imagine.
The 2014 movie, Lucy staring Scarlett Johansson, became a massive box office success, grossing over $469 million worldwide, which was more than eleven times its budget of $40 million. It generally received positive feedback, but it also had polarized, critical reviews. Much praise was given for its themes, visuals, and Johansson’s performance, although many critics found the plot nonsensical, especially its focus on the ten percent brain legend and ensuing capabilities.
In the movie Lucy, I think they mixed up “brain” with “consciousness”, two different things. I believe they meant “consciousness” in the movie, but opted to call it “brain” so that everyone would “understand”. But it’s really consciousness they were talking about. —Dion Erico Viglione
As an alternative to the ten percent of the mind potential argument, consider the Leaderchat.org argument, which shows that, on a bad day, ten percent are self-aware truth-tellers, and the remaining nine out of ten Canadians use their head for a hat rack. My argument is that everyone ought to know God’s thoughts, follow the argument, become self-aware, take responsibility, and swing wild!—so that we can all change that statistic from nine-in-ten being hat racks to nine-in-ten being self-aware—and, as a result, the planet is thus delivered into salvation directly!
In addition to what I am asking of Dr Roy Turner’s time and consideration, I would also like a oneday Trial of Christ 2.0 to be judged by the three Right Honourables, and to be provided with further financial support from a government that, as of now, recognizes me as a special mind
capable of great things!
Know God’s thoughts; follow the argument; be self-aware; take responsibility; and swing wild!
The Right Honourable Christopher Bek, The Philosopher King Christ, Sovereign of Earth, Christ 2.0