A Man with a Plan Summary—This essay presents a plan that could change the world by inducing physicists, doctors, police and other government agents to prepare for paradigm-shifting in changes in our awareness of the self. The 1999 movie entitled The Thomas Crown Affair stars Pierce Brosnan and the stunning Rene Russo. The protagonist Crown, played by Brosnan, is a successful playboy who sets out to steal a painting from a museum in order to attract the attention of an insurance investigator, played by Russo. His well-laid plan to get the girl comes together nicely in this well-made movie. The Agency Problem. The agency problem is a conflict of interest inherent in relationships where one party (the agent) is expected to act in the best interests of another (the principal). The problem arises when the self-interest of the agent takes hold over the interests of the principal. Consider corporate finance for example. The agency problem reveals itself with the relationship between management and shareholders. Managers acting as agents are supposed to make decisions that maximize shareholder value. With the agency problem, managers may make decisions that maximize their own wealth. For example, managers may hire more people than needed in order to improve their standing in the corporation. While it may not be possible to eliminate the agency problem in corporate finance entirely, it can be largely remedied by implementing well-designed compensation programs. The agency problem can be generally treated by nailing down fundamental values. Memes. The term meme is derived from Ancient Greece and means imitation. Memes are a concept, style or behavior that spreads throughout a society. They are vessels for transporting ideas and practices between people by writing, speaking or with other phenomena that can be mimicked. I would argue that the agency problem is the flipside of memes. Memes are the cultural equivalent of genes in that they both self-replicate and mutate. The Selfish Gene is a 1976 book by Richard Dawkins in which he classifies memes as the selfish gene. Memes are like genes in many ways except that memes are metaphysical while genes are organic. Both memes and genes are active agents making conscious choices. Dawkins defined memes as a way of identifying a gene-centered view of evolution. Guns are a classic case of memes in that they are selecting against us. The more guns you have the more guns your opponent needs. According to meme theory, guns are essentially looking out for their own self-interests. As strange as it sounds, it could be argued that memes are effectively sentient. Physicists. String theory (1970) is a theoretical belief that subatomic particles are conceptually replaced by vibrating one-dimensional strings. It is a methodology that includes such concepts as superstrings, membranes and a reality defined by more than four-dimensions. Scientists hope that string theory will one day unlock the mystery of how gravity and quantum theory come together. The Princeton physicist Edward Witten said that string theory will dominate the world of physics for the next fifty years. I would argue that string theory is contained by a meme. The theory of one (2001) is a theoretical foundation that unites relativity theory (1905), based on lightspeed, with quantum theory (1925), based on Planck’s constant. It recognizes that lightspeed and Planck’s constant are the same boundary of the universe. It also asserts that there is only one photon (a particle of light) in the universe and that one photon is God. According to Michio Kaku, the key to the theory of everything is found in the marriage of relativity theory and quantum theory. So while string theory plans to unite gravity and quantum theory at some point in the future, the theory of one has already solved the greatest scientific problem of all time by uniting relativity theory and quantum theory. I would therefore argue that string theory is a make-work project where its physicists have fallen prey to the agency problem. Doctors. Niels Bohr (1885-1962) said that we are both actors and spectators in the great drama of existence. However, in mental healthcare, psychiatrists play the role of actors leaving patients with the role of spectators. Sometimes psychiatrists withhold the diagnosis from patients in order to take control of their wellbeing. I was in the healthcare system for ten years before I found out the psychiatrists believed I had schizophrenia. And even then I had to ask for my diagnosis myself. I have since taken my own advice from the Philosophymagazine.com essay entitled Curing Schizophrenia and, with the help of medication, have cured myself of schizophrenia. Behaviorism is the psychological theory that only asks people to behave themselves. Existentialism is the philosophical theory that assists people in taking hold of their own destiny. I would argue that doctors have selected behaviorism over existentialism in order to keep patients from becoming self-aware which in turn preserves their mental illness (ie. the agency problem). Doctors must formally choose between behaviorism and existentialism—both individually and in aggregate. Police. For the time that I owned my house I was guilty on several occasions of bad behavior according to the police. Once, in order to attract the attention of the police, I sent a letter from me but addressed from God to a former employer. Shortly afterwards two police detectives showed up on my doorstep. After their visit, I wrote a letter to one of the detectives stating that “My theory of one solves the greatest scientific problem of all time by uniting relativity theory and quantum theory. I am a great mathematician and a great detective, detective. So why don’t you be a good little detective and run up to the university and ask the physics professors what if anything is wrong with my theory.” When I asked the detective why he did not support the laws of nature—He replied that he had no interest in the laws of nature—which is bad faith and which makes people crazy. Physicists, doctors and police have all bet on the wrong horse (ie. the agency problem). Eleven Years of Healthcare. I lost my house in 2003. Before then I sent two letters to the chief justice of the Supreme Court of Canada arguing that the government had no legal right to take my house because the government had not answered my theory of one. Relativity theory, quantum theory and my theory of one are all laws of nature. The government must hold the laws of nature above the laws of government. Otherwise there would be no reason for the government to honour the laws of nature—including teaching fundamentals to students. I have spent eleven years in the health-care system. My plan is to go into the healthcare system as a patient to repair the system from within by revealing the cancer of the system is found in the doctors choosing behaviorism over existentialism. Behaviorism tells us how to behave while existentialism self-teaches us to Be. Realizing Self-Awareness. Self-awareness includes the realization of how an individual may adversely affect the system that contains him. My plan is to make the government and its citizens self-aware. Self-awareness is consciousness recoiling upon itself. It is recognition of how the absence of self may be causing the very problems we are trying to solve. Most people go through life totally out of touch with their selves. Darwin (1809-82) proved that we are animals and then Freud (1856-1939) proved that we are sick animals. The cure is found in achieving self-awareness. Moving from being-in-consciousness to Being-in-self-awareness is an ontological leap—meaning there are no shades of grey—only black and white. One cannot be partially self-aware. The Freudian cognitive model has the ego choosing between the id or self and the superego or government. The plan is to switch from the superego to the id, thereby realizing self-awareness. A Man with a Plan. My plan to change the world began when I first posted my Philosophymagazine.com to the web on 1 January 2001. I plan to get physicists involved by asking them to write sixteen hundred word essays that either challenge or accept my theory of one argument. If they accept my argument then I would ask them to nominate me for the Nobel Prize. I would ask doctors and medical students to meet with me to discuss behaviorism vs existentialism. I would then ask them to publically debate me on the same topic. I would invite the police to meet with me in coffee shops for essay readings. They could then ask the physics professors what if anything is wrong with my theory of one. Albert Camus (1913-60) said that integrity has no need for rules. If we were to live in an integrated society, we would have much less need for the laws of government. Conclusion. A friend once told me I would be famous in five hundred years—which indicates a delayed recognition of greatness. I would argue that just because acknowledgment was deferred in the past does not mean it has to be the same way now. We have freewill if we choose it. My plan is to encourage physicists, doctors, police and other government agents to become self-aware so that they stop being part of the problem. I am asking government agents to write essays that respond to my arguments including the theory of one and behaviorism vs existentialism. I love it when a plan comes together nicely.