Declaring War on a Coward Summary—This essay charges Dr Neil Turok, Director of the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, with betraying the public trust. I formally declare metaphysical war on the coward, Turok. Goliath meet your David. Quotation—They deem him their worst enemy who tells them the truth. —Plato Dear Dr Turok. Thirty years ago I purchased the 1948 book, The Universe and Dr Einstein, (Einstein himself wrote the forward) by Lincoln Barnett from the University of Calgary Bookstore. I was always on the prowl for great books to add to my library that has since grown to 500 in number. According to Barnett’s book, “If a stick should attain the velocity of light, it would shrink to nothing at all.” I contend that if a stick shrinks to nothing at all, then the velocity of light is a boundary of the universe. Not bounded at some distant star, but bounded right in front of our eyes. From this it follows that reality as we know it is a façade. My question to you Dr Turok is why don’t you have this book? And if you do, why haven’t you uncovered this obvious fact that reality is a façade? Instead, I believe you have sold out mankind for your fifteen minutes of fame. You talk about simplifying physics while standing in front of a chalk board that is covered with mathematical hieroglyphics. The Theory of One Quotations. Lincoln Barnett also said in his book, “Quantum theory deals with fundamental units of matter and energy. Relativity theory deals with space, time and the structure of the universe as a whole. Both are accepted pillars of modern scientific thought.” Banesh Hoffmann said in his 1958 book, The Strange Story of the Quantum, “Quantum theory does not hold undisputed sway, but must share dominion with that other rebel sibling—relativity theory. And although these two bodies together have led to the most penetrating advances in the search for knowledge—they must remain enemies. Their fundamental disagreement will not be resolved until both are subdued by a still more powerful theory that will sweep away our present painfully won fancies concerning such things as space, time, matter, radiation and causality. The nature of this theory may only be surmised—but it will ultimately come down to the very same certainty as to whether our civilization as a whole survives—no more no less.” Michio Kaku said in his 1995 book, Beyond Einstein, “While relativity theory covers the secrets of energy, gravity and spacetime, the other theory that dominated the twentieth century, quantum theory, is a theory of matter. In simple terms quantum theory successfully describes atomic physics by uniting the dual concepts of waves and particles. But Einstein did not realize, as physicists do now, that the key to the unified field theory is found in the marriage of relativity theory and quantum theory.” The Theory of One Review. The theory of one (2001) solves the greatest scientific problem of all time by uniting relativity theory (1905) with quantum theory (1925). Relativity theory is based on light speed and quantum theory is based on Planck’s constant. My theory unites these two theories by recognizing that light speed and Planck’s constant are the same boundary of the spacetime continuum. Allegorically speaking, there is no difference between looking through a telescope (relativity theory) and looking through a microscope (quantum theory). In addition to proving the universe is bounded, it also proves there is only one photon (a being of light), that one photon is God (the Bible also says that God is light), and that reality is an illusion—meaning reality does not exist when no one is perceiving it. The theory of one also tracks all the way back to the big bang where the God-photon produced a primordial particle in Her womb that split into an electron (matter) and a positron (antimatter)—which was the moment of the big bang and where the resulting universe still exists inside the God-photon today. My theory clearly establishes a divine connection between myself and God. The End of Physics. Physics is a global enterprise that plays a crucial role in understanding the nature of reality. Supporting research and education about all aspects of physics around the world is important as it is a fantastic intellectual exploration that inspires all people regarding the frontiers of our knowledge about nature and ultimately about ourselves. David Lindley concludes his 1993 book, The End of Physics, as follows, “The final theory of everything will undoubtedly be a mathematical system of uncommon tidiness and rigor that accommodates the physical facts of the universe as we know it. The mathematical neatness will arrive first followed by its explanatory power. Perhaps one day physicists will find a theory of such compelling beauty that its truth cannot be denied—truth will be beauty and beauty will be truth. The theory will be, in precise terms, a myth. A myth is a story that makes sense on its own terms, offers explanations of everything we see before us, but can neither be disproved nor tested. This theory of everything will indeed spell the end of physics. It will be the end not because physics has been able to explain everything, but because physics has at last reached the end of all the things for which it has the power to explain.” The Divine Right. According to Plato (428-348 BC), “A just society will only be possible once philosophers become kings and kings become philosophers.” According to Wikipedia, “The divine right of kings is a political and religious doctrine of royal and political legitimacy. It asserts that a monarch is not subject to any Earthly authority; deriving the right to rule directly from the will of God. The king is thus not subject to the will of the people, the aristocracy, or any other estate of the realm.” As mentioned before, my theory of one establishes a divine connection between myself and God. So once again, I declare myself to be the Philosopher-King Christopher. Furthermore, I use exactly the same argument to prove that I am an agent of God. You can call me Christ. In that you, Dr Turok, are an important leader in the quintessential discipline of physics, I contend that some people may also see you as Christ. However, you are fundamentally misrepresenting physics as you have chosen to ignore my theory of one—a theory that will profoundly alter the course of history. I would argue that you are not Christ, but are in fact the Antichrist. The Antichrist is the deceitful messiah who falsely represents himself as Christ. The Ontological Arguments. The ontological argument is an a priori proof of reason for the existence of God that was put forth by Saint Anselm (1033-1109). The argument says that because we can conceive of a perfect being in our minds, that being must necessarily exist—for otherwise the being would lack an essential component of perfection—namely existence. My theory of one adds to the ontological argument by contending that Anselm not only proves the existence of God, but that his argument actually brings God into existence. God’s existence at the moment of the big bang and Anselm’s lucid thought are eternal, synchronous events. They each caused the other simultaneously. This corollary to the ontological argument further strengthens my divine connection to God. David Lindley said he could not say whether the moon really exists when no one is looking at it because he is not a divine. Well I am a divine and I can say most assuredly that the moon does not exist when no one is looking. Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. Plato (427-347 BC) used his allegory of the cave to identify authenticity. Imagine prisoners chained inside a cave such that they could only see the shadows of the eternal objects of God, Souls and Forms projected onto a wall from a fire behind them. For example, the Pythagorean Form proves we can calculate the length of the third side of a right-angle triangle if we know the length of the other two sides. On the cave wall, it only appears as examples like, 32 + 42 = 52. A prisoner named Socrates broke free of his chains and climbed out of the cave into daylight. His eyes adjusted to the light and he returned to the cave intending to free the prisoners. But back inside the cave Socrates had trouble making out the shadows. And his obvious attempt to liberate the prisoners only served to anger them for revealing the illusionary nature of their existence. They became so overwrought with anxiety that they proceeded to kill him for it. You are the master of the shadows and I am Socrates. You will do anything to keep your power—including making a meal out of the kids by lying to them. Closing the Liars Loophole. The prudent man rule is an ancient doctrine whereby the actions and decisions of individuals in position of authority are held accountable to the standards of behavior that a prudent and reasonable person of discretion and intelligence would conduct themselves in similar circumstances. Socrates (470-399 BC) was the original prudent man for radically insisting that we must first answer the question of what X is before we can say anything else about X. X being the elephant standing in the middle of the room. The elephant here is the theory of one—and I have thus raised the bar on the prudent man. The unpardonable sin is an offence so treacherous that even God will not forgive it. Christ defined it as refusing to follow the argument when seen. You have unsuccessfully tried to avoid the unpardonable sin by claiming not to see the simple truth as the result of using the head-in-the-sand method of assessing my theory of one. I hereby close this liar’s loophole on you. Conclusion. I am formally asking you to engage in a public debate with me regarding my theory of one. I would ask you to write a 1,700 word essay beforehand describing your position on the theory. Please do not concern yourself with the fact that I am exponentially smarter than you. Robert Frost (1874-1963) said, “We dance around in a ring and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows.” You suppose and I know. Albert Camus (1913-60) said, “I am not interested in being a hero. What interests me is being a man.” So why don’t you shed your cowardice, be a man, and accept my challenge for debate. Sincerely, Christopher Bek, peaceful warrior.