Essay—Ontology in Ten Minutes (Issue 33)

Summary—The Ontology in Ten Minutes essay discusses my theory of one, ontology, electrons, monads, field theory and the ontological arguments—and argues that the elements of ontology are matter, life, consciousness and self-awareness.

In an episode of the television series Star Trek—The Next Generation entitled I, Borg the crew of the starship Enterprise find a lost Borg on a deserted planet.  The Borg are a cybernetically-enhanced race of beings hell bent on conquering the universe.  The Borg collective all share the same consciousness.  The crew treat his injuries and give him a human name.  As a way of fighting the Borg they create a virus which is a geometric object that cannot exist in real spacetime.  Instead of returning him to the collective with the virus, in its place, they give him a sense of self-awareness which turns out to be more insidious than the virus.

The Theory of One.  Relativity theory (1905) is the natural law of spacetime and is based on lightspeed.  Quantum theory (1925) is the natural law of the atom and of matter and is based on Planck’s constant.  My theory of one (2001) unites relativity theory and quantum theory by arguing that lightspeed and Planck’s constant are the same boundary of the spacetime continuum (ie. the universe).  Consider a tabletop representing the universe of all universes.  It is true that the universe occupies no more than a point in the universe of all universes.  As such, every electron or monad exists with some degree of probability at every point in the universe—including at the boundary.  We could then say that the big bang (ie. the creation of the universe) is occurring at every moment going back to its origin sixteen billion years ago when a photon (ie. a particle of light) splits into an electron and a positron (ie. matter and antimatter).  By definition, photons travel at lightspeed and thus exist at the boundary of the universe.  From outside the universe, a single photon appears as a spherical film containing the universe—like a translucent pearl encapsulating a grain of sand.  One might even argue that God and light are the same thing.  As such, it then follows that the universe exists inside of Her womb (ie. God’s womb).  In essence, God and the universe therein contained can be effectively seen as a single particle.  Sir James Jeans (1877-1946) said that God is a mathematician.  Niels Bohr (1885-1962) defined the complementary principle as the coexistence of two necessary and seemingly incompatible perspectives of the same phenomenon.  Therefore, God is both the photon and a mathematician.  Saint Augustine (354-430) once portrayed existence as an ontological set of steps leading to God.  According to Augustine, God exists outside of time and the universe was created with time and not in time.

Ontology.  Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy concerned with the ultimate nature of reality.  It is further divided into ontology which addresses the question of what are the fundamentally distinct entities that compose reality.  The four dimensions or steps of ontology are matter, life (ie. plants), consciousness (ie. animals) and self-awareness (ie. souls or God).  According to EF Schumacher’s 1977 book A Guide for the Perplexed—From a base of matter, man has the power of life like plants, the power of consciousness like animals and the power of consciousness recoiling upon itself—This power of self-awareness opens up unlimited possibilities for the purposeful learning, formulating and accumulating of knowledge—Life is either present or absent; there cannot be a half presence; and the same goes for consciousness and self-awareness—Our task is to see the universe as whole.  The spacetime continuum provides the canvass of the universe.  The four ontological dimensions are represented by four colors of paint on this universal canvass.  Electrons or monads are particles that contain the ontological dimensions or elements—and the spacetime continuum contains the electrons or monads.  Scientists tell us that we cannot talk about a life-force because no such force has ever been found to exist.  Yet the difference between alive and dead certainly exists; and the same goes for consciousness and self-awareness.  Canada has the potential for self-awareness compared to the consciousness of the United States.  We have the possibility of becoming world leaders in philosophy and science founded on self-awareness.  Ontology is based on both faith and reason—reason being the model and faith being the belief in the model.

Electrons.  Quantum theory is the natural law of the atom and of matter.  Electrons are negatively charged particles of matter found in the atom.  Positrons are electrons traveling backwards in time.  Electrons, positrons, neutrons and protons comprise the basic building blocks of the atom.  Electrons form the valence rings while neutrons and protons make up the inner nucleus.  Electrons, positrons, neutrons and protons are among the smallest particles of the atom that we can identify.  The definition of atoms is that they are simple rather than complex—ie. composed of more than one part.  Yet atoms are in fact complex.  The position of electrons in the atom is determined by Schrödinger’s wave equation—ie. a probability distribution that resembles the waves that would occur if a pebble were dropped into an ocean.  The wave crests represent the valence rings.  Electrons determine how atoms behave with respect to one another.  Freeman Dyson claimed that electrons are active agents making conscious choices.

Monads.  The German Gottfried Leibniz (1646-1716) claimed that monads (ie. metaphysical gonads) are the real atoms of nature.  As per the complementary principle, I would argue that electrons and monads are one in the same.  Leibniz developed calculus and his system of philosophy based on monads.  In his philosophy the universe is composed of conscious centers of spiritual force or matter called monads.  They are self-contained divine entities which resemble other monads in their ways of perception.  Each monad is a microcosm mirroring the universe in varying degrees of perfection.  Leibniz viewed the world as a finite number of finitely small particles of matter called monads—each of which is a closed world that reflects other monads in their system of awareness.  Monads with the most confused perceptions form inanimate matter while those with clearer perceptions constitute life, minds and souls.  God is the photon and is the monad of all monads.  She creates all monads and predestines their development in accordance with a pre-established harmony that results in the appearance of interaction between monads.  Leibniz’s view that all things are organic and spiritual initiated the philosophical discipline of idealism.

Field of Dreams.  A field is a region of spacetime that operates according to a specific set of Euclidean or ontological rules.  Michael Faraday postulated field theory in 1844 as a way of describing matter, gravitational and electromagnetic forces.  Special relativity theory in 1905 revealed that linear spacetime represents a field operating under all five Euclidean rules.  General relativity theory in 1915 revealed that gravitation is not a force but a realization of curved spacetime operating with four of five Euclidean rules.  Imagine electrons or monads as dolphins that swim in an ocean.  With matter, dolphins play in a field that follows four Euclidean rules.  As the dolphins learn to create resonant waves in the bubbles, a rule is transcended, a new field is formed and life emerges.  Then as the dolphins learn to create higher resonant waves another rule is dropped and consciousness emerges.  Finally, the dolphins achieve even higher resonant waves and self-awareness surfaces.  But because physicists and psychiatrists both deny a life-force, consciousness and self-awareness—we are locked in a holding pattern—unable to realize the very thing which separates man from animal—the power of self-awareness.  God is a monad and the photon and is composed purely of self-awareness.  Man is in between animals (ie. consciousness) and God (ie. souls or self-awareness).

The Ontological Arguments.  The original ontological argument was created by Saint Anselm (1033-1109).  It is an a priori argument (ie. an argument made prior to experience) for the existence of God—asserting that the conception of the perfect Being implies the existence of that Being outside the mind of man.  The crux of the argument lies with the notion that a perfect Being must necessarily exist for that Being to be considered perfect—for otherwise the Being would lack an essential component of perfection, namely existence.  In other words, according to the argument, the very conceptualization of God directly leads to the conclusion of Her existence.  My ontological argument is that God is both the lone photon and a mathematician—ie. the method of argument.  To follow God wherever She leads is to follow the light or the argument wherever it leads.  My argument is simple and beautiful and therefore true.

Conclusion.  My theory of one unites relativity theory and quantum theory by arguing that lightspeed and Planck’s constant are the same boundary of the universe.  The photon exists at this boundary while electrons pass back and forth across this boundary.  I further argue that even if my theory of one is wrong, it is still effectively right because it sets forth the pathway to truth—which is the question of how to unite relativity theory with quantum theory.  The four dimensions or elements of ontology are matter, life, consciousness and self-awareness.  Electrons and monads are one in the same and are the true atoms of nature.  A field is a region of spacetime that operates according to a specific set of ontological rules.  Anselm’s ontological argument is true by definition.  My ontological argument is that God is both the photon and a mathematician and is true by simplicity and beauty.  Hopefully this essay provides the reader a glimpse into his or her own self-awareness.