Summary— The Aspect Experiment argues that the 1881 Michelson-Morley experiment provides empirical validation of the 1905 special relativity theory—and, in a fascinating parallel, the 1982 Aspect experiment provides empirical validation of my theory of one.
In 1982 the French physicist Alain Aspect performed an experiment which proved the angles of polarization of twin photons were correlated in such a way that it indicated the photons were instantaneously connected to one another. This is a mind-boggling finding. It means that some of our most cherished and accepted notions about reality are in error. However, what is all the more astounding is that the Aspect experiment—an experiment which could change our understanding of reality as much as the revelations of Copernicus and Darwin—went almost completely unnoticed by the mass media. —Michael Talbot
I recently sent material pertaining to my theory of one to the television show The Big Bang Theory. They failed to respond. The two roommates on the show are Sheldon and Lenard. Sheldon is a theoretical physicist and Lenard is experimental physicist. In any scientific endeavor both theory and experiment are required. Socrates said that we must answer the question of—What is X?—before we can say anything about X. My theory of one says X equals boundedness. Imagine an episode of the show where Sheldon learns the universe is bounded based on a dead simple application of the Pythagorean Form—thereby shifting his paradigm.
Experiment and Theory. The theorist Aristotle believed that heavier bodies fall faster than lighter bodies. The experimentalist Galileo proved that all bodies in a vacuum fall at the same speed. Here, theory does not concur with experiment. Sir Arthur Eddington (1882-1944) was a British astronomer who was the senior member of an expedition to Africa to test general relativity theory by observing a total eclipse of the sun. The experiment confirmed the bending of light in accordance with the predictions of general relativity theory. While relativity theory speaks to the macrocosmos, quantum theory concerns itself with the nature of matter at the microcosmic level. Based on quantum theory, Schrödinger put forth his classic thought experiment involving a quantum-cat and two closed boxes. Schrödinger absurdly argued that the cat must be in both boxes until one is opened and its location is then determined directly. Here again, theory concurs with experiment.
The Michelson-Morley Experiment. In 1881 two Americans named Michelson and Morley performed a monumentally important experiment which established that lightspeed is invariably fixed at 186,284 miles per second. Michelson and Morley were attempting to establish how fast the Earth travels through space by measuring lightspeed in different directions. The theory underlying this experiment is that space is a motionless ocean of ether and the Earth’s motion through this ether should be measurable. As it turns out, there is no such thing as ether—and lightspeed, being the boundary of the universe, is the much sought after fixedpoint. Just like waves occur in the medium between ocean and air, so too does the boundary between spacetime and nothingness act as the medium for waves of both light and matter. The Michelson-Morley result presented a problem in that, according to Newton, velocities are additive thus contradicting the invariance of lightspeed.
Special Relativity Theory. Einstein resolved the Michelson-Morley dilemma in 1905 with his relativity theory by revealing that space and time are interrelated quantities. In paralleling Newton, Einstein theorized that the laws of nature are the same for all uniformly moving bodies. But unlike Newtonian physics, which only concerns itself with mechanical laws, relativity theory also accounts for the behavior of light and other electromagnetic radiation. Imagine a train traveling at thirty miles per hour. One might expect a photon or particle of light projected from the headlight to be traveling at lightspeed plus thirty miles per hour. Special relativity theory predicts that the train would shrink slightly in the direction of motion so that the photon would only be traveling at lightspeed—which is consistent with the Michaelson-Morley result.
The Aspect Experiment. In 1982 a Frenchman named Aspect performed an astonishing experiment which proved undeniably that all photons are instantaneously connected to one another. My theory of one explains this by recognizing the painfully simple fact that there is only one photon in the universe. The Aspect experiment proves unequivocally that the reality presented to us is a façade. Up until 1982 the scientific community believed that, according to relativity theory, there was no such thing as faster-than-light or instantaneously signaling between particles. Lightspeed was and still is believed to be the speed limit of the universe. This discovery means that some of our most highly-held views about reality are factually blunders. The paradigm shift goes from lightspeed signaling to the appearance of instantaneous signaling.
The Theory of One. The macrocosmos of special relativity theory is the universal law of spacetime and reveals that it dilates as a function of velocity relative to lightspeed in accordance with the Pythagorean Form—h^2 + (v/c)^2 = 1^2, h = height, v = velocity, c = lightspeed. According to relativity theory—if v = c then h = 0—thereby indicating a boundary of spacetime. It is interesting to note that, by definition, photons travel at lightspeed—thus implying that photons must exist outside the spacetime continuum. As such, one could imagine a fantastic number of photons zipping around the periphery of the universe at lightspeed. And rather than having all these photons speeding around the universal boundary, I would argue that there is only one of them—which is consistent with the Aspect experiment. The elementary picture of the theory of one is embodied by a pearl whereby the universe proper is metaphorically represented by a grain of sand inside the pearl. The pearl substance itself represents a metaphysical field known as Heaven—which houses God, Souls and Forms. God is both the photon and a mathematician.
The Illusion of Reality. In 1607 Galileo discovered that Jupiter has a fourth moon. This discovery reminded the Church that the Earth orbits the Sun and the Garden of Eden was not the bellybutton of the universe. Similarly, the Aspect experiment and my theory of one reminds physicists that reality is an illusion as described in Michael Talbot’s 1991 book The Holographic Universe where he wrote that there is compelling evidence to suggest that our world and everything in it—from snowflakes to falling stars and spinning electrons—is only projected images from a level of reality so far beyond our own it is literally outside of spacetime. Mystics, Tantrics and Idealists have propounded for centuries that reality is an illusion. I have now put forth a scientific basis for this profound belief.
The Unpardonable Sin. The unpardonable sin is an offence so treacherous that even God will not forgive it. Christ defined it as refusing to follow the argument when seen. It is irreverence against the Holy Spirit and the Earthly inhabitants. Government agents like academic physicists have unsuccessfully tried to avoid the unpardonable sin by claiming not to see the simple truth as the result of using the head-in-the-sand method of assessing arguments. Jean-Paul Sartre put a sophisticated spin on the unpardonable sin by stating that those who hide their complete freedom from themselves out of a spirit of seriousness or by means of deterministic excuses, I shall call cowards.
Déformation Professionnelle is a French term which means the inclination to see things from the viewpoint of one’s own profession rather than from a larger, holistic perspective. Physicists are professionally deformed in that they are unable to comprehend the simple truth of the Aspect experiment, which is that all photons are instantaneously connected to one another because there is only one of them. The Aspect experiment exposes what many organized religions have been telling us for centuries—that reality is an illusion. This means the moon does not exist when no one is looking at it. It is this ultimate truth that physicists are simply unable to embrace.
Bad Faith. To quote Jean Wahl from the foreword to Sartre’s 1965 essay entitled Bad Faith—“Bad faith is the term coined by Kierkegaard’s wayward twentieth-century disciple Sartre which is a state of human inauthenticity where one attempts to flee from freedom and responsibility. It is a paradoxical and therefore ultimately schizophrenic attempt at self-deception. To live in good faith means to always strive for authenticity and to continually be aware of the tendency to slip into bad faith.” Saint Augustine said the first step forward is to see that attention is firmly fastened on the truth. Physicists are living in bad faith and have a different philosophy—The first step forward is to firmly fasten attention on their careers.
Conclusion. The Michelson-Morley experiment proves that lightspeed is invariably fixed, which provides empirical validation of special relativity theory. In an amazing parallel, the Aspect experiment proves all photons are instantaneously connected to one another, which provides empirical validation of my theory of one photon. I have judged physicists on three moral standards—the unpardonable sin, déformation professionnelle and bad faith. They have failed them all. The problem is that physicists cannot wrap their minds around the fact that reality is an illusion. In fact, physicists are not physicists at all. They are just people who behave like physicists are supposed to behave. They write all sorts of complicated equations on the board but are unable to simply describe innate reality.
The true philosopher attempts to transcend the purely human perspective and view reality from the perspective of reality itself. —Donald Palmer
All the choir of heaven and furniture of earth—in a word all those bodies which compose the mighty frame of the world—have not any substance without the mind. So long as they are not perceived by me, or do not exist in my mind or in the mind of any spirit, they have no existence whatsoever. —Bishop George Berkeley
Gradually philosophers and scientists have arrived at the startling conclusion that since every object is simply the sum of its qualities, and since qualities exist only in the mind, the whole objective universe of matter and energy, atoms and stars, does not exist except as a construction of the consciousness—an edifice of conventional symbols shaped by the senses of man. —Lincoln Barnett