The Bernoulli Form Summary The Unified Field Theory counts down the Euclidean hits from five to one in categorically nailing the vast majority of this little thing I like to call cosmic pi. At this point in spacetime I would like to pay special tribute to my excellent wingman Albert Einstein (1879-1955). They say ignorance is bliss. For the first time in my life I agree. I wish I had never uncovered the awful truth. I know now once they find out they will try to silence me. That is why I have written this all down for you in this letter. You are the only one whom I can tell this to. The only one who could possibly understand. Good luck my friend. Los Angeles, Circa 1937. So begins the superb 1999 movie The Thirteen Floor with a letter from Fuller to his associate Douglas who are scientists that have developed the ultimate virtual reality system in the murky blue 1999 neon world set against a backdrop of luminous lasers, monolithic skyscrapers and dark supercomputers. Fuller leaves the letter for Douglas with a bartender in the simulated past of a stylish 1937 Los Angeles featuring showgirls that dance the night away to the sounds of big band set against art deco masterpieces colored in hazy sepia tones. Upon returning to the reality of 1999 Fuller’s prophetic words soon come to fruition as he is murdered in cold blood with all signs pointing to Douglas as the killer. It’s the End of the World as We Know It—And I Feel Fine. Douglas downloads his consciousness into the system to try and clear his name—only to discover that the bartender has read the letter and followed the instructions intended for Douglas. The letter directs him to drive to a place he had never been, so the bartender chooses Tucson. He does exactly what the letter says—Don’t follow any road signs and don’t stop for anything. But just as he should have been getting closer to the city, something wasn’t right. He arrives at the end of the world and thus comes to grasp the truth that his reality is nothing but a shame. Upon catching up with the bartender, Douglas is unable to understand why Fuller would write to tell him that the 1937 world is simulated—until he realizes that Fuller was telling him the world of 1999 is also simulated—with the so-called real world of 2024 being the author of the simulated 1999 world. 4D Staging—3D Perception. The primordial premise underlying all of physics is that nothing is created without scaffolding. We have a very good understanding of how the heart muscle works, but we have absolutely no idea whatsoever of the inner workings of consciousness. Consider that we accept without question the amazing Microsoft Excel spreadsheet presented on the computer screen is the outcome of a sophisticated symphatic coalescing of software and hardware. For us then to assume that our three-dimensional commonsense perception represents the ultimate essence of reality is ludicrous. Conscious is the perceptual apparatus by which we comprehend reality and the essence of reality is fundamentally different than our conscious perception of it. Bubbles—Foam. Relativity is the natural law of spacetime based on lightspeed. Quantum theory is the natural law of matter based on Planck’s constant. The theory of one unites relativity and quantum theory by recognizing lightspeed and Planck’s constant as the same boundary of spacetime. Sir James Jeans once described Einstein’s relativistic universe as the surface of four-dimensionally corrugated soap bubbles. John Wheeler once described the universe as empty curved spacetime churned into lathering distorted geometry of quantum foam formed in the wake of electrons and positrons popping into and out of existence without limit—revealing that relativistic bubbles are thus equivalent to quantum foam. Four-by-Four Being. According to EF Schumacher—From a base of matter, man has the power of life like plants, the power of consciousness like animals and the power of consciousness recoiling upon itself. This power of self-awareness opens up unlimited possibilities for the purposeful learning, formulating and accumulating of knowledge. The dream of Einstein’s unified field theory was to integrate the four ontological dimensions—matter, life, consciousness and self-awareness with the four types of interactions between matter and energy—gravitational, electromagnetic, nuclear-weak and nuclear-strong. It is interesting to note that both Freud and Jung adamantly insisted the energy which operates our minds is no different than the energy which operates the universe. Electrons—Monads. The physicist Freeman Dyson, who performed the Diracian feat of nailing down quantum electrodynamic theory, once claimed that electrons are active agents making conscious choices. Gottfried Leibniz (1646-1716) who co-invented calculus, the mathematics of motion, also developed the idea of monads—ie. metaphysical gonads—that are self-contained immaterial spiritual entities which resemble other monads in their ways of perception. Monads with the least perceptive abilities form matter while those with the clearest perceptions take on the forms of consciousness and self-awareness—which respectively constitutes minds and souls. Through the Looking Glass. In Through the Looking Glass written in 1871 by the mathematician Lewis Carroll, Alice walks through a fantastical mirror into an alternative universe where everything is normal except with a twist. In Wonderland, logic and commonsense are reversed. Carroll’s work marked a turning point in literature that introduced both children and adults to worlds with different rules. Imagine for a moment that each hemisphere of our brain is a machine like the one depicted in the 1997 movie Contact—serving to create a fantastical gateway into an alternative four-dimensional universe filled with relativistic bubbles. Imagine photons surfing the bubbles while monadesque electrons and positrons leap in and out like pairs of synchronized dolphins that communicate via the corpus callosum. What we know as consciousness is nothing more that the accumulation of inertial effects experienced by the monad-dolphins. Ancient Greece, Circa 300 BC. Thales launched the first mathematical discipline of geometry after having amassed a fortune by first forecasting bumper olive crops and then buying options on the usage of olive presses. Euclid carried on from Thales by developing Euclidean geometry as described by the following five simple axioms or rules—There is only one straight line connecting any two points—A straight line can continue endlessly—A circle can be drawn with any given center and radius—All right angles are equal—Given a straight line and a point not on the line, there is but one line running through the point parallel to the line. Field of Dreams. A field is a region that operates according to a specific set of rules. Michael Faraday postulated field theory in 1844 as a way of describing gravitational and electromagnetic forces. Special relativity in 1905 revealed that linear spacetime represents a field operating under all five Euclidean rules. General relativity in 1915 revealed that gravitation is not a force but a realization of curved spacetime operating with four of five Euclidean rules. So with gravity or matter, the dolphins play in a field that follows four Euclidean rules. As the dolphins learn to create resonant waves in the bubbles, a rule is transcended, a new field is formed and electromagnetism or life emerges. Then as the dolphins learn to create higher resonant waves another rule is dropped and nuclear-weak energy or consciousness emerges. Finally, the dolphins achieve even higher resonant waves and nuclear-strong energy or self-awareness surfaces. But because physicists and psychiatrists both deny consciousness—we are locked in a holding pattern—unable to realize the very thing which separates man from animal—the power of self-awareness. Come Armageddon Come. In The Universe and Dr. Einstein from 1948 Lincoln Barnett wrote—Completion of the unified field theory will climax the long march of science towards unification. Within its framework all man’s perceptions of the world and his abstract intuitions of reality—matter, energy, force, space and time will finally merge into one. Its goal touches the grand aim of all science which, as Einstein says, is to cover the greatest number of empirical facts from logical deduction based on the least number of axioms. The urge to consolidate premises, to unify concepts, to penetrate the particularity of the manifest world into the undifferentiated unity is the leaven of science and the loftiest passion of humanity. The philosopher, mystic and scientist have always sought to arrive at knowledge of ultimate immutable essence that undergirds the mutable illusory world. Plato once wrote that the true lover of knowledge is always striving after Being—and will not rest with those multitudinous phenomena whose existence are appearance only. Conclusion. Opening with the Cartesian cogito—I think, therefore I exist—The Thirteenth Floor foreshadows its existential tone and sets the table for the questions that follow—What is the ultimate nature of reality? Who among us seeks to known ultimate truth? What would we do if we arrived at the end of the world? Alphonse Karr wrote that every man has three characters—that which he exhibits, that which he has and that which he thinks he has. Einstein once asked the question of whether the Moon really exists when no one is looking at it? I recently asked a University of Calgary physicist this seemingly monolithic question—to which he responded—A better question is—What are the chances that no one is looking at the Moon? Suffice to say that he, like most people, flees the scene of existence when the topic of conversation shifts to the ultimate nature of reality. As for me, all I want is the same thing the stunning Nicole Kidman wanted in the superb 1999 movie Eyes Wide Shut—A straight fucking answer. |