The Bernoulli Summary—Closing The Liars Loophole identifies the malignant cancer within the healthcare system and society as the outwardly focusing behavioural psychological model, which denies the existence of consciousness—while the inwardly focusing existential model makes consciousness and the soul primordially important. |
An episode from the television show Seinfeld had Jerry Seinfeld’s overweight friend Newman and his post office associates enjoying so-called nonfat frozen yogurt at their favorite yogurt shop. Jerry, suspicious of the great-tasting yogurt, has it tested only of discover that it contains significant amounts of fat. But rather than thanking Jerry for this information, Newman becomes outraged for, as it turns out, he prefers living a lie rather than facing the truth.A Prudent Man. The Prudent Man Rule is an ancient doctrine whereby the actions and decisions of individuals in position of authority are held accountable to the standards of behavior that a prudent and reasonable person of discretion and intelligence would conduct themselves in similar circumstances. Socrates (470-399 BC) was the original prudent man for radically insisting that we must first answer the question of what X is before we can say anything else about X.X Equals Boundedness. It was well established that the greatest scientific problem of all time was that of how to marry the macrocosmos of relativity (1905) with the microcosmos of quantum theory (1925). Relativity is the natural law of space and time and is based on lightspeed. Quantum theory is the natural law of matter and is based on Planck’s constant. I solved this problem with my theory of one by identifying the commonality between the two with the fact that lightspeed and Planck’s constant are the same boundary of the spacetime continuum—meaning that the universe is bounded rather than unbounded—as was previously assumed.
X Equals Consciousness. I began speaking to doctors and psychiatrists in the fall of 2000 about this Earth-shattering discovery and what I believe to be an impendingly monolithic paradigm shift. To my dismay, virtually all of the doctors and psychiatrists refused to consider my rational arguments, but instead insisted on treating me as mentally ill. Over the course of many unpleasant visits during the past two years, I came to identify the commonality between physics and psychiatry—which is consciousness.
The Divided Mind. The term schizophrenia comes from ancient Greece and means divided mind. Sir Isaac Newton brought the scientific revolution of the seventeenth-century Renaissance to a head by establishing the principals of science that have since dominated Western thought. Newtonian physics rest on the detached study of objective reality based on the clear distinction between mind and matter. Both relativity and quantum theory introduced the subjective observer into physics—forever eliminating the notions of both a clear distinction between mind and matter, and objective physical reality. In 1935 the Schrödinger’s Cat thought problem proved that the observer’s consciousness is what actually determines physical reality—meaning that consciousness is real. But physics professors maintain a schizophrenic attitude in that they teach relativity and quantum theory but nonetheless refuse to let go of their Newtonian detachment as a way of looking at the world.
Working for the Clampdown. Behaviorism is a twentieth-century psychological theory based on the work of Watson and Skinner who argued that all human activity can be known through externally visible behavior—based on the underlying belief that consciousness does not exist. As Skinner wrote in his tellingly entitled 1971 book Beyond Freedom and Dignity—Consciousness? Can you see it? Measure it? Pass it around? Then how is it different than something that does not exist at all? Skinner also wrote that—Many anthropologists, sociologists and psychologists have used their expert knowledge to try and prove that man is free, purposeful and responsible. This escape route is slowly being closed as new evidence of the predictability of human behavior is discovered. Any personal exemption from complete determinism is being revoked as scientific analysis of individual behavior progresses.
Dumb Idiot. In addition to the problem of consciousness, Skinner makes another massive mistake by asserting that determinism follows from predictability. Determinism is the view that every event occurs necessarily from the events that preceded it—and therefore freedom only exists in such a way as to be compatible with necessity. While it is certainly true that predictability follows from determinism—to assert that determinism follows from predictability is to make a classic logical mistake—once again revealing behaviorism to be in error.
State Enforced Schizophrenia. The absence of freedom found in behaviorism results in schizophrenic situations with authoritarian practices like psychiatry, judgeship and law enforcement. An absence of freedom means that doctors, judges and cops are, by definition, gods in that they are predestined to do the right thing. The schizophrenia comes into play with the fact that, under determinism, the behavior of patients, plaintiffs and criminals is also predestined—and therefore they are not responsible. Behaviorism autocorrects this integral problem by denying behavioralisticaly-schooled individuals the Piagetian cognitive function of reversibility that normally develops between the ages of seven and twelve. Reversibility is the ability to comprehend situations in reverse—and is developed through the process of soul-searching—for which behaviorism denies. The reversibility-challenged authorities are thus unable to understand the situation from the other perspective and therefore do not recognize the schizophrenia they are implying on their subjects.
The Donut Zone. Consider that the police tell us ignorance of the law is no excuse. But why is that? How are we supposed to know the law? Are we not innocent? When I responded to this assertion from a police detective by saying—Why not, you’re claiming ignorance of the laws of nature in reference to my theory of one? He said—That’s different, I have no interest in the laws of nature. John Locke, who inspired President Thomas Jefferson and the United States Constitution, claimed that the natural liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on earth—and not to be under the will or legislative authority of man but only to be ruled by the laws of nature.
The Certain Zone. The starting point for both modern philosophy and existential philosophy is the Cartesian cogito—cogito, ergo sum—I think, therefore I exist. Awareness of consciousness or self-awareness is coincident with the act of soul-searching and is what separates man from animal—and also allows us to deduce our own existence with certainty. The existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-80) said it perfectly—There can be no other truth to take off from this—I think, therefore I exist. There we have the absolute truth of consciousness becoming aware of itself. Every theory which takes man out of the moment in which he becomes aware of himself is, at its very beginning, a theory which confounds the truth, for outside the Cartesian cogito, all views are only probable, and a doctrine of probability which is not bound to a truth dissolves into thin air. In order to describe the probable, you must have a firm hold on the true. Therefore, before there can be any truth whatsoever, there must be an absolute truth; and this one is easily arrived at; it is on everyone’s doorstep; it is a matter of grasping it directly.
The Dead Zone. The practical difference between behaviorism and existentialism is found in what Sartre calls bad faith, which is the state of human inauthenticity. It is an attempt at self-deception in which one denies and unsuccessfully tries to run from freedom and responsibility. We flee from dread and anguish by pretending to look at ourselves as things. Bad faith is a lie to oneself and a lie in the soul. I recently had a conversation with a psychiatrist named Dr J Naylor who claimed that denying a higher truth and lying are not the same thing. And herein lies the difference between behaviorism and existentialism. Under the behavioristic régime one is only responsible for not lying to others, while the notion of lying to oneself is devoid of meaning in that behaviorism denies the existence of the inward self. The essence of behaviorism is that individuals have no freedom and no responsibility—while existentialism asserts that individuals have total freedom and total responsibility.
Unclean Hands. Socrates said that no god seeks wisdom—for he is already wise. Upon assuming behaviorism, doctors, judges, cops and educators effectively issued press releases declaring themselves gods. As gods, they have no need for soul-searching to solve problems beyond their defined roles. These self-anointed gods instead focus on projecting and enforcing their god-status. What society is left with is a bunch of fragile, narrow-minded egomaniacs who are totally out of their depth when faced with true freedom and responsibility. And the sad truth is that most people prefer to be under the dominion of such monsters rather than face freedom and responsibility on their own.
Conclusion. FS Northrop said that if one makes a false or superficial beginning, no matter how rigorous the methods that follow, the initial error will never be corrected. The Canadian writer Margaret Atwood said that if the mental illness of the United States is megalomania—that of Canada is paranoid schizophrenia. The Canadian writer Marshall McLuhan said that Canada is the only country in the world that knows how to live without an identity. The question that remains is whether doctors are finally ready to admit they bet on the wrong horse, give up their nonfat yogurt—and give back the identity they stole from the children.