Essay—The Holographic Universe (61)

SummaryThis essay looks at the Schrödinger’s cat and the Einstein’s moon thought problems—and analyzes their similarities in showing they are self-similar—meaning that in both cases consciousness determines perceived reality—which is a holographic illusion driven by innate reality that is akin to a computer hard disk.

Miku Hatsune is a laser-driven, humanoid, holographic singer recently developed by Japanese scientists.  On stage she appears like a real person where her movements closely resemble that of an actual singer.  She is based on technology that is only a few decades old and employs laws of nature like relativity theory and quantum theory.  Einstein said that God is the sum total of the laws of nature.  Consider that God exists eternally and therefore has access to all the laws of nature—past, present and future—including those of holographic technology.  So, like Miku, I would argue that what we perceive as reality is a holographic projection.

Schrödinger’s Cat.  In 1925 Erwin Schrödinger (1887-1961) constructed an atomic model based on waves of matter while Werner Heisenberg (1901-76) constructed a model based on matrices of infinite dimension.  Paul Dirac (1902-84) then nailed down quantum theory (1925) once and for all by proving that the two models are equivalent.  In 1935 Schrödinger set forth his classic cat-in-a-box thought problem with the intention of demonstrating the absurdity of the probabilistic interpretation of his wave model.  A quantum-cat is placed in a box such that no one can know what is happening inside.  A device releases either food or poison with equal probability, and the cat meets its fate—or does it?  Schrödinger absurdly argued that the cat must be both alive and dead until the observer opens the box.  The thought problem ironically leads to the counterintuitive conclusion that the observer’s consciousness is what actually determines the fate of the cat.  In other words, consciousness determines microcosmic perceived reality.

Fractals.  A fractal is a natural phenomenon exhibiting self-similar patterns at every scale.  Fractals stem from chaos theory and are fractions of dimensions.  They include everything from broccoli to clouds to galaxy clusters.  Consider a coastline viewed from both space and from a person walking along it.  The coastline is neither one nor two-dimensional but is a fractal dimension somewhere in between.  If the coastline is relatively straight then the fractal dimension might be 1.2.  If the coastline is relatively jagged then the fractal dimension might be 1.8.  The point of fractals is that the fractal dimension is the same for both even though the pedestrian only sees a small subset of what the astronaut sees.  Metaphorically speaking, there is no difference between looking through a microscope and looking through a telescope.  Basic risk modeling involves estimating uncertainty by calculating the four moments of a probability distribution (ie. mean, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis).  The standard deviation is local and is the dominate proxy for risk today and embodies tactical risk management.  This second moment opposes the fourth moment of kurtosis, which is nonlocal and embodies strategic risk management.  The normal distribution represents the first two moments while my genetically engineered Camus distribution represents all four moments.  Consider the riskiness of the future value of an asset like oil.  If one considers the minute-by-minute changes compared to the month-by-month changes, we would see that the standard deviation changes but the kurtosis stays the same and is thus self-similar.  This realization is useful when longer-term historical data is unavailable for larger scales.

Einstein’s Moon.  Albert Einstein (1879-1955) joined space and time with his relativity theory in 1905 by realizing the invariance of lightspeed contradicts the additivity of velocity.  Relativity theory is the natural law of spacetime and reveals that spacetime shrinks as a function of velocity relative to lightspeed.  According to relativity theory, if the velocity of an object reaches lightspeed then the height would shrink to zero—thereby indicating a boundary of spacetime at lightspeed.  An elementary picture of relativity theory is a pearl where the universe of matter is represented by a grain of sand inside the pearl.  The pearl substance itself is the region at the boundary of spacetime that contains God, souls and forms.  Consider the thought problem where Einstein asked whether the moon really exists when no one is looking at it?  His intention was to demonstrate the absurdity of this fazed interpretation of perceived reality.  There are a hundred billion stars in our galaxy and there are ten billion galaxies—meaning that there are a trillion, billion stars in the universe.  Our star, the Sun, contains 99.9 percent of the mass in our solar system, and Jupiter and Saturn are hundreds of times heavier than Earth, which is dozens of times heavier than the moon.  The question is—why would the universe need all these celestial bodies when a holographic reality does fine?  The thought problem leads to the conclusion that the observer’s consciousness determines whether the moon really exists when no one is looking.  In other words, consciousness determines perceived reality at the macrocosmic level.  When an observer turns to look at the moon the innate parameters are downloaded from the hard disk and the mind calculates the image of the moon.  Fractals link the microcosmos of quantum theory with the macrocosmos of relativity theory and tell us that consciousness determines perceived reality in both cases.

Innate Reality.  According to John Boslough, “The universe operates on several different sets of rules that act in layers independent of one another.”  The two layers are perceived reality and innate reality or subspace.  Subspace is a mathematical construct that underlies the spacetime continuum.  Perceived reality is dependent on innate reality, which is a vast array of 1’s and 0’s.  The two perspectives reflect on the complementary principle, which argues that there are two different ways of looking at the same phenomenon—in this case, reality.  The innate big bang is simply the process of cell division.  Innate reality is like a computer hard disk that stores numeric values which our minds convert into perceived reality like on a computer screen.  Scripture, like physics, can also be interpreted on two different levels—literal and allegorical.  Consider Adam and Eve as allegorical beings of light rather than literally people.  From this allegorical point of view, Adam disobeys God’s commandment not to eat the apple and is expelled from Eden by splitting into particles of matter and antimatter—ie. the big bang.  The innate big bang is simple cell division while the perceived big bang appears to be a violent explosion.

Perceived Reality.  According to Edgar Allan Poe in his 1848 book Eureka, “The universe begins when God creates a primordial particle out of nothing.  From it, matter irradiates spherically in all directions in an indescribably great yet limited number of unimaginably yet not infinitely minute atoms.”  Poe was a century ahead of his time from when George Gamow produced the perceived big bang theory in 1945.  Instead of believing God creates a primordial particle out of nothing—it is much more likely that God is the primordial particle Herself (aka. Eve).  The perceived big bang is the most commonly accepted explanation for the beginning of the universe.  It proposes that the universe was once a single particle that was extremely dense and scorching hot.  The innate big bang compares to cold fission and the perceived big bang compares to hot fission.  Nuclear power plants use cold fission and nuclear bombs use hot fission.  The perceived big bang came into existence sixteen billion years ago and accounts for the formation of the universe of stars.  The question is—where did all the trillion, billion stars come from?  I would argue that the stars are nothing more than a show put on like points of light inside a planetarium.  Saint Augustine (354-430) claimed that miracles happen not in opposition to nature but in opposition to what we know of nature.  While it may appear that God miraculously pulled a rabbit out of Her hat in creating the universe, the holographic theory of the universe offers a much more plausible explanation.

The Holographic Universe.  The theory that reality is a dream goes back centuries if not millennia to the Mystics, Tantrics and Idealists.  There are movies like The Matrix (1999) and The Thirteenth Floor (1999) which characterize holographic reality as existing inside a computer.  Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) said the energy that operates our minds is no different than the energy that operates the universe.  Consciousness is a metaphysical swirling vortex of energy that is housed in our physical brains.  It creates energy like the interest earned on a mutual fund.  Consciousness is the perceptual apparatus by which we comprehend reality and the essence of reality is fundamentally different than our conscious perception of it.  Bishop George Berkeley (Berkeley, California) said it best, “All the choir of heaven and furniture of earth—in a word all those bodies which compose the mighty frame of the world—have not any substance without the mind.  So long as they are not perceived by me, or do not exist in my mind or in the mind of any spirit, they have no existence whatsoever.”

Conclusion.  Starting from the thought problems of Schrödinger and Einstein, the self-similarity of fractals proves they are isomorphic—indicating that consciousness determines perceived reality at both the microcosmic and macrocosmic levels.  Consciousness shines its light on innate reality and projects a perceived image of reality onto our senses.  Based on this scientific model, we can see that reality as we know it is a holographic illusion.