Right Honourable Mary Simon
Right Honourable Justin Trudeau
Right Honourable Richard Wagner
Honourable Sonya Savage
Honourable Kent Hehr
Dr Roy Turner, Rockyview
Denis Villeneuve, Film Director
Honourable Danielle Smith
Honourable Rachel Notley
Right Honourable Joe Bidden
Suzanne Kendall, Alberta Crown Prosecutor
Mr Christopher Bek
602, 1133 Eighth Avenue SW
Calgary AB Canada T2P 1J7
The Theory of One
Existentialism Now
The Bernoulli Model
PhilosophyMagazine.com,.org, .net
03 May 2024
Dear Suzanne Kendall,
Subject—I am a Whistle-blower—The Government is Raping Me
Quotation—Unlike both Kant and Luther, Søren Kierkegaard does not promote a particular judgment about Abraham, but rather presents his readers with a dilemma: either Abraham is no better than a murderer, and there are no grounds for admiring him; or moral duties do not constitute the highest claim on the human being. —TheGuardian.com
I Apologize for Robbing the Bank, but I believe it represents a necessary element of my plan to deliver the planet into Salvation. My plan for delivering the planet into Salvation involves turning the Everyman into the Superman—by moving from behaviorism to existentialism. Am I Abraham for believing I was Commanded by God to rob the bank? In a very real sense, God told me to rob the bank, as my first mantra is: Know God’s thoughts. God told me to sound the alarm for the bad metaphysics of determinism employed by the Government. And God is now telling me not to commit any more crimes. From now on, all my violence will be metaphysical. I understand the seriousness of the Bank Robbery charge made against me by the government. However, in carrying out the existential heist, I did just what the sign said: In case of emergency break glass. The emergency, as I see it, is that the Government is fundamentally in error in their practice of Metaphysics, the first principles of things. Specifically, the Government has erroneously chosen behaviourism to represent the Metaphysics of existence.
Behaviourism. If one Googles: Who was the most influential psychologist of the Twentieth century? the answer is BF Skinner, which means behaviourism and determinism. I am blowing the whistle on the honourables and doctors for a septillion reasons, most of which stem from the
fundamental choice of behaviourism as it is the psychological model employed exclusively in Canada. Behaviorism forces people to remain in their cells and play their roles, making them Unholy by definition. Under behaviourism, one sacrifices their holistic self in order to play a role for the betterment of society, which in turn enables individuals to get paid and get laid. As such, under behaviourism, the only responsibility of people is to behave normally, and to punish those who do not behave normally. As Plato said: They hate him the most who tells them the truth. I believe that I am Christ 2.0 because I tell the truth, which makes me a one hundred-sigma event, whom everyone hates for telling the truth. And the most pressing truth is that there is an Elephant named behaviourism in the Room. One may argue that behaviourism has served us well, and may in fact be correct. Yet, I am saying that, in spite of this perception of past usefulness, it is now time for a revolution from behaviourism to existentialism. We may have had to go through behaviourism to get to existentialism, but the fact remains that it is presently time for a paradigm shift from behaviourism to existentialism. Behaviourism is authoritarian and demands that people play their roles. Alternatively, with existentialism, one is challenged to take total freedom and total responsibility for the entire World. Imagine a transition from the current state of modern society where nine-in-ten use their head for a hat rack, to a preferred future state of society where ninein-ten are intellectually equivalent to Einstein. In other words, with a little work, I believe we can turn the nine-in-ten who are the Everyman into the nine-in-ten who are the Superman.
Determinism. In addition to behaviourism being flawed in and of itself, it also leads to the doctrine of determinism. The philosophy of freewill opposes determinism and argues that we are thus free to choose our actions and are in control of the outcomes. The determinist approach that our actions and behaviors can be predicted because they are caused by prior factors prevalent in organizations, institutions, and nature. Determinism opposes freewill and is the metaphysical doctrine that the whole of world history is uniquely fixed by laws of nature and initial conditions. However, we know that the laws of nature pertaining to quantum theory are fundamentally indeterminate, thus making the definition of the metaphysical doctrine of determinism faulty by design, as the laws of nature are not fixed. In fact, quantum theory proves
freewill exists unequivocally once and for all, and also proves the illegitimacy of determinism.
The Government has been Raping Me for the past 21 years—by employing coercive psychiatric relations, forcing me to take antipsychotics—as indicated by the two quotations below:
From the 2011 preface of the Fiftieth Anniversary to the 1961 The Myth of Mental Illness by the psychiatrist Thomas Szasz:“For more than fifty years I have maintained that mental illnesses are counterfeit diseases, that coerced psychiatric relations are like coerced labor relations (slavery) or coerced sexual relations (rape), and I spent the better part of my professional life criticizing the concept of mental illness, objecting to the practices of involuntary-institutional psychiatry, and advocating the abolition of ‘psychiatric slavery’ and ‘psychiatric rape.’”
From the back cover of Robert Whitaker’s 2019 book, Mad in America: Bad Science, Bad Medicine, and the Enduring Mistreatment of the Mentally Ill: “Pharmaceutical companies tell us that they’ve discovered the chemical causes of mental illness, and that the new drugs they’ve manufactured will change the lives of the mentally ill. But decades of research reveal that these treatments are little more than old medicine in new bottles, and in Mad in America, medical journalist Robert Whitaker reveals how deluded we are about their efficacy. He traces the treatment of mental illness through the use of lobotomies in the 1920s and 1930s, to the electroshock therapy of the 1950s, to what is perhaps his most damning revelation: drug companies in the 1980s and 1990s skewed research to prove that new antipsychotic drugs were more effective than the old, while keeping patients in the dark about dangerous side effects.”
Summary. I am blowing the whistle on the Government for choosing behaviourism, which leads to determinism that opposes freewill. The Government is Raping Me by forcing me to take antipsychotics, which block my dopamine receptors and impair my thinking. I would like one hour in court to make my case—the same hour I asked the bank for on the day of my existential heist— where I was armed only with books and a smartphone—looking to make arguments in exchange for debt relief. In my mind, it was never a real bank robbery.
Know God’s thoughts; follow the argument; be self-aware; take responsibility; and swing wild!
The Right Honourable Christopher Bek, The Philosopher King Christ, Sovereign of Earth, Christ 2.0
Memory is the enemy of totalitarianism. —Albert Camus
To create is to live doubly. —Albert Camus