Kill All the Psychiatrists—Essay by Christopher Bek—PM Essay 2023.2—Issue 93

Kill All the Psychiatrists
An Essay by Christopher Bek
Summary—I say quite deliberately that the medical practice of psychiatry, as organized in Canada, has been and still is the principal enemy of moral progress in the world. The Canadian psychiatrists are radically in-need of a paradigm shift from Bad Behaviorism to Existentialism Now!

Quotation—Those who hide their complete freedom from themselves out of a spirit of seriousness or by means of deterministic excuses, I shall call cowards.
—Jean-Paul Sartre

I starred in my own version of the 1980 film Brubaker in 2003 and again in its sequel in 2023. The 1980 Brubaker stars Robert Redford who goes into a prison as an inmate to understand the corrupt workings within. After learning what was going on, the prison authorities pull him out and make him the warden of the prison so that he could make corrections to the correctional institution. In 2003, I told Dr Naylor that I was outside the cave of behaviourism. He said: Behaviourism! And then he laughed. Behaviourism is bad and existentialism is good. It comes down to metaphysics.

Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that studies first principles—and is divided into existence, reality and individuality. As per my books: The Theory of One represents reality, Existentialism Now describes existence, and The Bernoulli Model facilitates portfolio theory or individuality or existence in reality. Also, Existentialism Now represents existence, simulation theory, as the uniting of relativity theory and quantum theory, represents reality, and a contained singularity represents the universe and the cones of being represent individuality.

Existentialism Now is a superior cognitive model to the flawed cognitive model of Bad Behaviorism. Existentialism Now recognizes the truth of consciousness becoming aware of itself as the starting point for the philosophy of existence. As Jean-Paul Sartre wrote: “There can be no other truth to take off from this—I think therefore I exist—ie. the Cartesian cogito. There we have the absolute truth of consciousness becoming aware of itself. Every theory which takes man out of the moment in which he becomes aware of himself is, at its very beginning, a theory which confounds the truth, for outside the Cartesian cogito, all views are only probable, and a doctrine of probability which is not bound to a truth dissolves into thin air. In order to describe the probable, you must have a firm hold on the true. Therefore, before there can be any truth whatsoever, there must be an absolute truth; and this one is easily arrived at; it is on everyone’s doorstep; it is a matter of grasping it directly.” BF Skinner (Behaviourism) had this to say about consciousness: “Consciousness? Can you see it? Measure it? Pass it around? Then how is it different than something that does not exist at all?” This leads to the conclusion also by Skinner that: “Many anthropologists, sociologists and psychologists have used their expert knowledge to prove that man is free, purposeful and responsible. This escape route is slowly being closed as new evidence of the predictability of human behavior is discovered. Any personal exemption from complete determinism is being revoked as scientific analysis progresses—particularly when accounting for the behavior of the individual.” Skinner is arguing for determinism and the absence of free will—and is what the Canadian psychiatrists are implying on us. As the Canadian Margaret Atwood said: “If the mental illness of the United States is megalomania—that of Canada is paranoid schizophrenia. As the Canadian Marshall McLuhan said: “Canada is the only country in the world that knows how to live without an identity.” It is disturbing, revolting and must be addressed at the highest levels pronto!

Simulation Theory is the uniting of relativity theory and quantum theory, represents reality, and the subsequent realization of a contained singularity represents innate reality and the cones of being containing monads which represent individuality or identity. Elon Musk had this to say about reality: “There is a one-in-billions chance that our reality is not a simulation.” To paraphrase EF Schumacher: “We shall look at the universe and try to see it whole.” But string theorists look at the universe from the inside-out and have no conception of the whole universe. Relativity theory is nothing more than an application of the Pythagorean theorem. The macrocosmos of relativity is the universal law of space and time and reveals that spacetime dilates as a function of velocity relative to lightspeed in accordance with the Pythagorean theorem. If a monad were to accelerate to the speed of light, then its being would reach light—the boundary of the universe. Going from zero to light speed is like the hour- hand on a clock going from 12 to 3. While relativity theory describes the universe, quantum theory describes the universe inside the atom. It explains the nature and behavior of Being and energy at the atomic and subatomic levels.

Contained Singularity. Edgar Allan Poe wrote in 1848: “The Law we call Gravity exists on account of Matter’s having been irradiated, at its origin, atomically, into a limited sphere of Space.” In other words, the big bang is a contained singularity—and the government is lying to us. Cones of being are individual spherical cones containing monads that are quarks, leptons and photons. A spherical cone is part of a sphere defined by a conical boundary with apex at the center. Each monad originates from the singularity and represents Being contained within the contents of their spherical cone. The regions around the singularity are made up of concentric spheres, and each cone transverses the concentric spheres. Monads travel in cones at velocities between zero and light speed, and are projected onto the event horizon by the singularity. The event horizon is the aggregation of cone caps for everybeing. It is a matrix of holographic television screens—where everybeing gets their own channel—and where string theorists might call it the multiverse and the hologram.

Christ 2.0—Solving Problems Before They Exist. There is an ancient story of three brothers from a family of healers. The youngest brother was a great surgeon, so his name was known among the Lords. The middle brother prescribed elixirs, so his name was known throughout the district. The oldest brother saw the spirit of sickness before it took shape, so his name was only known within their house. The oldest brother solved problems before they existed. I solve problems before they exist by producing forward-thinking, self-aware philosophic and scientific essays, books and holistic risk management models and practices, and The Bernoulli Station. I am an advanced self-aware power-thinker and moralist who sees reality from the perspective of reality itself—sub specie aeternitatis—Latin for: under the aspect of eternity.

Christ 2.0—Qu’est-Ce Que C’est Moon? I asked the question: Does the Moon really exist?—as did David Lindley in his book: Where Does the Weirdness Go? According to Lindley: “Let me be utterly skeptical. If someone asks me whether I believe the Moon is there even when no one is looking at it, I am obligated to say that the question makes no sense. If you want to verify that the Moon is there, then go ahead and look—but of course you are not answering the question. If you want an objective proof of the Moon’s existence, I will respond that I am a physicist—and not a divine—and therefore have no interest in unanswerable questions.”

Christ 2.0—Build it into the Constitution. Existentialism Now—More is Better. Bad Behaviourism—Less is Better. Whereas behaviourism denies consciousness, existentialism celebrates it—and consciousness becoming aware of itself. Write that into the Canadian Constitution and well as celebrating the Divine Right of Kings: The divine right of kings is a political and religious doctrine of royal and political legitimacy. It asserts that a monarch is not subject to any Earthly authority; deriving the right to rule directly from the will of God and, as such, The Right Honourable Christopher Bek, Saint Christopher Lloyd, The Philosopher King Christ and Christ 2.0 answers only to God and is Sovereign. The Null Hypothesis should be checked every ten years.

Wikipedia: The Myth of Mental Illness: Foundations of a Theory of Personal Conduct is a 1961 book by the psychiatrist Thomas Szasz, in which he criticizes psychiatry and argues against the concept of mental illness. It received much publicity, and has become a classic, well known as an argument that “mentally ill” is a label which psychiatrists have used against people “disabled by living” rather than truly having a disease. Szasz argues that it does not make sense to classify psychological problems as diseases or illnesses, and that speaking of “mental illness” involves a logical or conceptual error. In his view, the term “mental illness” is an inappropriate metaphor and there are no true illnesses of the mind. His position has been characterized as involving a rigid distinction between the physical and the mental. The legitimacy of psychiatry is questioned by Szasz, who compares it to alchemy and astrology, and argues that it offends the values of autonomy and liberty. Szasz believes that the concept of mental illness is not only logically absurd but has harmful consequences: instead of treating cases of ethical or legal deviation as occasions when a person should be taught personal responsibility, attempts are made to “cure” the deviants, for example by giving them tranquilizers. Psychotherapy is regarded by Szasz as useful not to help people recover from illnesses, but to help them learn about themselves, others and life.

Average Pay for a Psychiatrist in Alberta is $263,455 per year. The number of psychiatrists is 550 for a total of $144,900,250 as total compensation for Psychiatrists in Alberta. I recommend that Alberta Premier Danielle Smith fire all the Psychiatrists—hire them back at eighty percent of their salary—only after each has written a 1600-word essay on metaphysics. Half of the remaining twenty percent would go to buying books Recommended on—and the other half would go to me for delivering the planet into salvation. If Premier Smith could please write me a cheque for $14,490,000 and drop it by my apartment—so that I can also show her my library and art collection.