Qu’est-ce Que C’est Moon?
An Essay by Christopher Bek
Summary—This essay asks the enquiry: What is the Moon? And argues that I be your consultant in answering this monolithic question.
Quotation—Let me be utterly skeptical. If someone asks me whether I believe the Moon is there even when no one is looking at it, I am obligated to say that the question makes no sense. If you want to verify that the Moon is there, then go ahead and look—but then, of course, you are not answering the question. If you want an objective proof of the Moon’s existence, I will respond that I am a physicist—and not a divine—and therefore
have no interest in unanswerable questions. —David Lindley
O ckham’s Razor is the principle of parsimony and problem-solving principle that entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily. It is generally understood in the sense that with competing theories or explanations, the simpler one is preferable. Ockham’s Razor is attributed to English Friar William of Ockham (1287–1347), a scholastic philosopher and theologian. The philosophic razor advocates that when presented with competing hypotheses about the same forecast, the simplest theory tends to be the right one. Albert Einstein wrote “Everything should
be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.”
Christ Bek, Consultant. It is said that a consultant is someone who borrows your watch to tell you the time. A consultant is a professional who can make a difference in how organizations address challenges and help work towards a successful future. A simple definition of consultant includes a provider of expert advice to another person or entity, for which they are compensated for their time. Modern consulting generally follows the economic development of the 19th century. It arose out of the need to help organizations improve performance. Consulting comes from outside and, as the ultimate outsider, I am the perfect consultant, who ably turns the Everyman into the Superman. I am a mathematician, actuary, philosopher, scientist and published writer—and superior spreadsheet, database and risk modeling craftsman. I consulted to the CFO and treasurer of Canadian Pacific Limited for three years conducting preliminary work in the area of risk management, decisionmaking and portfolio theory. After CPL, I developed The Bernoulli Model, as a postmodern realization of modern portfolio theory. Portfolio theory is literally the theory of everything in your portfolio.
Metaphysics is also a theory of everything. It is the branch of philosophy studying the first principles of the fundamental nature of being, identity, reality, change and causality, space and time, necessity and possibility. Erwin Schrödinger (1887–1961) was a Nobel Prize-winning Austrian-Irish physicist who developed a number of fundamental results in quantum theory including Schrödinger’s first equation, which provides a way of calculating the wave function of a system as it changes dynamically in time. Prentner and Hoffman wrote: “Early on, Schrödinger expressed the conviction that metaphysics does not come after physics, but inevitably precedes it. Metaphysics is not a deductive affair but a speculative one.” I have been saying the same thing since the turn of the Millennium with my The Theory of One, Existentialism Now, The Bernoulli Model, and The Divine Right of Kings.
Existentialism Now. Being, identify and existentialism are defined by the Cartesian cogito, and Jean-Paul Sartre’s claim that “There can be no other truth to take off from this—I think; therefore, I exist—ie. the Cartesian cogito. There we have the absolute truth of consciousness becoming aware of itself. Every theory which takes man out of the moment in which he becomes aware of himself is, at its very beginning, a theory which confounds the truth, for outside the Cartesian cogito, all views are only probable, and a doctrine of probability which is not bound to a truth dissolves into thin air.” Identity is also defined by the Indian doctrine of identity: Atman equals Brahman, and is Schrödinger’s second equation. Atman is one of the most basic concepts in Hinduism; the universal self identical with the eternal core of the personality. Brahman, in sacred Indian writings, is the supreme existence or absolute reality. While the Atman is the essence of individuality, Brahman is an unchanging, universal spirit or consciousness underlying all things. Atman equals Brahman means that we are all aspects of one single mind forming the essence of reality. The Cartesian cogito and Indian identity pronounce Existentialism Now.
Reality, Change and Causality, Space and Time. The Canadian Constitution Act of 1982 begins: “Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law.” Albert Einstein said: “God is the sum total of the laws of nature.” God or reality is defined by the laws of nature, and is primarily represented by the macrocosm of relativity theory and the microcosm of quantum theory. My Theory of One
unites these two theories in spectacular fashion. Change and causality are represented in the classical world by relativity theory, and in the quantum realm inside the atom by quantum theory. Space and time are represented by relativity theory and the application of the Pythagorean theorem, for example, to relativistic length contraction: (v/c)^2 + L^2 = 1^2, v = velocity, c= light speed, L = length. If v = 0, L = 1; if v = .87c, L = .50; if v = c, L =
0. Going from zero to light speed is like the hour-hand on a clock going from 12 to 3, where it represents the hypotenuse of a right triangle.
Necessity and Possibility are related subjects. Something is possible if its failing to occur is not necessary; if something is necessary, its failure to occur is not possible. It is believed that there are two types of existent entities: those that exist but could have failed to exist (contingent beings), and those that could not have failed to exist (necessary beings). Possibility is having the tendency to stop existing or being contingent. Necessity is a form from itself, which could not possibly have failed to exist. These two concepts are forms of being—and the way they interact represents the existence of God. Many interesting philosophical questions arise when one inquires about necessary beings: What makes the case for their necessary existence? The ontological argument is an a priori argument for the existence of God, asserting that the conception of the perfect being implies the necessary existence of being outside man’s mind.
The Theory of One is my evolving theory that unites the macrocosmos of relativity theory with the microcosmos of quantum theory. Spinoza and Einstein equated God with nature or reality. The Theory of One describes the universe as a necessary sphere-shaped phenomenon that houses Being (matter, life, consciousness and selfawareness) as its primary function. With a contained singularity at the centre, from the inside out, the universal
domains are: nuclear-weak and nuclear-strong, atomic realm, the event horizon, and the electromagnetic realm. The radius of the universal sphere is the speed of light, and is bounded from within at Planck’s constant. We are able to see the universe as a bounded, sphere-shaped phenomenon—with the boundary being composed of coherent electromagnetic matter existing outside of time.
Cones-of-Being are individual spherical cones containing monads represented by electrons and quarks. Leibniz described monads as windowless, indivisible, elementary particles following a pre-established harmony. A spherical cone is a portion of a sphere defined by a conical boundary with the apex at the center. Consider that each atom originating from the singularly represents a being contained within the contents of their spherical
cone. Consider again that the regions around the singularly are made up of concentric spheres. Each spherical cone transverses the concentric spheres. Monads of being travel in cones at speeds between zero and light speed, and are projected onto the event horizon by the force of the singularity. The event horizon is the aggregation of spherical-cone-caps for every being’s cone-of-being. It is a matrix of holographic movie screens—
where everybeing gets their own channel—and where string theorists may, in fact, call it the multiverse or manyworlds.
Seeing Whole. From the outside, God may experience our sphere as a form of self-aware energy—the highest form of realization. Plato wrote: “The prisonhouse is the world of sight.” He meant we see with our eyes rather than our minds. In seeing with our minds, we know God’s thoughts, follow the argument, are self-aware, take responsibility, and swing wild. One might well collect and assemble pieces of an inner holistic metaphysical model
that answers Schumacher’s request to look at Man and the Universe and try to see them whole. Albert Einstein asked: “Does the Moon really only exist when you look at it?” How are we whole if we do not have the courage to ask and, ultimately, answer this question?
Closing Arguments. William James (1842-1910) is perhaps most famous for his depiction of the lifecycle of a theory. According to James, a theory is first ignored, then attacked as absurd, then admitted to be true, but obvious—and finally seen to be so important that its adversaries claim to have discovered it themselves. Stephen Hawkins said “No one wants to believe the truth is as simple as it is.” Innate reality is like a sparkler inside a hollowed out spherical magnet that appears to God to be a sphere-shaped self-aware energy source. Perceived reality is our experience of inertia and our individual screen on the event horizon. To paraphrase Marcus Aurelius “He who does not know the world, does not know himself; he who does not know himself, does not know the world.” The Theory of One represents the-world, Existentialism Now represents being, The Bernoulli Model
represents being-in-the-world, and the Divine Right of Kings represents transcendence-of-being. As a point of consulting vis-à-vis the Moon, I leave you with what Elon Musk said: “There is a one-in-billions chance reality is not a simulation.” Let me show you true, simple reality as your consultant—Christ Bek, 403-471-7440, $25/Hr.