Subject-A Message From God’s Lips

Governor-General Mary Simon
Government House
1 Sussex Drive
Ottawa Ontario K1A 0A1

Mr Christopher Bek
602, 1133 Eighth Avenue SW
Calgary AB Canada T2P 1J7
403 471-7440
The Theory of One
Existentialism Now
The Bernoulli Model
28 July 2021

Dear Governor-General Mary Simon,
Subject— A Message From God’s Lips

Quotation—Mary Jeannie May Simon OC OQ is a Canadian former broadcaster, civil servant and diplomat who is Governor General-designate of Canada. She is set be formally installed as the 30th Governor General of Canada on July 26, 2021. Simon was born in Kangiqsualujjuaq, Nunavik, Quebec. —Wikipedia

I am writing to you today to congratulate you for being formally installed as the 30th Governor General of Canada, to ask that you formerly acknowledge me as The Philosopher King Christ, Sovereign of Earth, and to stress the direness of my situation.

Quotation—Mary Simon has consistently demonstrated exemplary leadership, addressing the social, economic and human rights issues facing Indigenous peoples across this land. Her passion and drive for justice was instrumental in bringing the interests of Inuit in particular to the attention of the Canadian government and the United Nations, leading to the inclusion of Inuit in the Constitution Act, 1982. —Dawn Lavell-Harvard

I would like to recognize your life’s work of exemplary leadership in addressing social, economic and human rights matters of Indigenous peoples across Canada. I have committed my life to higher, metaphysical truth. For my three books, The Theory of One represents the world, Existentialism Now represents being, and The Bernoulli Model represents being in the world.

Quotation—Modern man wants neither God nor Christ—for what he desires is simply the authority of the Church. He wants the physical security of bread, the spiritual security of dogma, and the so-called proof of the existence of miracles. To follow God irrespective of the consequences presents too great a risk. The Church offers up a lighter burden. It serves, selects and explains the truth, forgives sins and bestows upon man the happiness of children. Yet the price is high. Man must surrender his freedom of thought and, indeed, he willingly does so. He no longer serves God as God demands of him, but only as the Church tells him so. God’s mysteries and miracles are henceforth monopolized and administered by the Church. —William Hubben

Modern man wants neither God nor Christ, for what he wants is authority. I am that authority, as I have a simple, beautiful, reasonable, faithful mind since I know God’s thoughts. And while you fight for Indigenous rights, I fight for Divine rights with the help of Indigenous people.

Quotation—Who will venture to place the authority of Copernicus above that of the holy spirit? —John Calvin

The Canadian Constitution recognizes the Supremacy of God. Albert Einstein, Time Magazine’s Man of the Century, said God is the sum total of the laws of nature. My Theory of One World essay sees the universe whole, and reveals the laws of nature. Sir James Jeans said God is a Mathematician.

Actuaries do the math of life. Mathematics is the Queen of all Sciences. I am a mathematician and an actuary. I have maintained my Philosophy Magazine website since 1 January 2001. I have written over one hundred 1600-word essays, the perfect format for printing on one-page, two sided essay paper. An essay is a try. It is a written piece designed to present an idea, propose an argument, express an emotion, or initiate a debate. I would argue that the Philosophy Magazine style essays should be the universal standard for making arguments. Philosophy Magazine and the Risk Management Review are philosophy and science for the Third Millennium, and I am a philosopher and scientist for the Third Millennium. Plato wrote, “A just society will only be possible once philosophers become kings and kings become philosophers.” Thomas Hobbes wrote, “Unless sovereignty finds concrete expression in an individual, it neither commands the allegiance of the people nor supports the cohesion of the state.” Wikipedia wrote, “The divine right of kings is a political and religious doctrine of royal and political legitimacy. It asserts that a monarch is not subject to any Earthly authority; deriving the right to rule directly from the will of God. The king is thus not subject to the will of the people, the aristocracy, or any other estate of the realm.” Einstein also said, “I want to know God’s thoughts, the rest are details.” Well, I know God’s thoughts. So, who am I? The first six letters of my name spell—Christ. I, Therefore, Proclaim Myself to be The Philosopher King Christ, Sovereign of Earth. Will you venture to place my authority above that of the honourables and doctors in Canada?

Quotation—Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change the world which yields most painfully to change. —Robert F Kennedy

Relativity theory encompasses two interrelated theories by Einstein: special relativity and general relativity. Special relativity applies to all physical phenomena in the absence of gravity. The theory of special relativity determines the laws of physics are the same for all non-accelerating observers and shows the speed of light within a vacuum is the same no matter the speed at which an observer travels. General relativity is the geometric theory of gravitation. While relativity describes the universe at large, quantum theory describes the universe inside the atom. It is said that if 12 men were to die, relativity would lose all meaning. In Canada, if 12 men were to run out of Viagra, relativity would lose all meaning. 👌

Quotation—The terror of confronting oneself in situations calling for subjective judgment is so great that most people immediately panic and run for cover under the first obvious argument that seems to apply. —William Barrett

Most Canadians immediately panic and flee the scene in bad faith when challenged with the subjective judgment of metaphysical arguments. I have been making arguments since 1996 when I wrote 12 essays of the Risk Management Review that year. I first declared myself King Christopher in 2002. I have waited long enough to have my arguments answered. If I do not receive answers to my arguments within the next few months, I will consider going on a hunger strike. I have found God and my identity as Christ and am prepared to die for the truth. And remember, I am only the finger-pointing-at-the-moon. I wish for everyone to look at me, then look at the moon eternally, and after think of me only as a dream. Einstein asked whether the moon really exists when no one is looking at it? All I want is the same thing the stunning Nicole Kidman wanted in Stanley Kubrick’s superb 1999 movie Eyes Wide Shut—A straight fucking answer.

Christopher Bek

Society honors its live conformists and its dead troublemakers. —Mignon McLaughlin If the mental illness of the United States is megalomania—that of Canada is paranoid schizophrenia. —Margaret Atwood

Canada is the only country in the world that knows how to live without an identity. —Marshall McLuhan

The Philosopher King Christ—Essay by Christopher Bek—PM Essay 2021.3—Issue 84 (
Subject—Declaration of King Christopher (
Subject-Declaration of Philosopher King Christ (
Subject—Judicial Return of House (
Subject—Lawful and Rightful Declaration of Kingship to Canada (28 September 2002) (