Subject—Declaration of King Christopher

Governor General Julie Payette
Government House
Ottawa Ontario K1A 0A

Mr Christopher Bek
602, 1133 Eighth Avenue SW
Calgary AB Canada T2P 1J7
28 May 2018

Dear Governor General Julie Payette,
Subject—Declaration of King Christopher
Quotation—Unless sovereignty finds concrete expression in an individual, it neither commands the allegiance of the people nor supports the cohesion of the state. —Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679)

Introduction. I am writing to advise you of my declaration of King Christopher. As I understand it, the governor general presides over the swearing-in of the prime minister, the chief justice, the cabinet ministers and gives Royal Assent to acts of Parliament. The Governor General of Canada is also the federal vice-regal representative of the Canadian monarch, currently Queen Elizabeth II. I am asking you to recognize me as the Sovereign of Canada.

The Theory of One Review. The theory of one (2001) solves the greatest scientific problem of all time by uniting relativity theory (1905) with quantum theory (1925). In addition to proving the universe is bounded, it also proves there is only one photon (a being of light), that one photon is God (the Bible also says that God is light), and that reality is an illusion—meaning the Moon does not really exist. Clearly, my theory establishes a divine connection between myself and God.

The Divine Right of Kings. According to Plato, “A just society will only be possible once philosophers become kings and kings become philosophers.” According to Wikipedia, “The divine right of kings is a political and religious doctrine of royal and political legitimacy. It asserts that a monarch is not subject to any Earthly authority; deriving the right to rule directly from the will of God. The king is thus not subject to the will of the people, the aristocracy, or any other estate of the realm.” I derive my right to be the Sovereign of Canada from the divine connection between myself and God. I therefore declare myself to be the Philosopher-King Christopher.

Applying Sovereignship. I am only asking you to recognize me as king. Nothing else would change. I am a goodhearted person with a beginner’s mind and a passion for the simple truth. I am a bold, independent thinker able to fully express myself with my essays. I have been mailing monthly Philosophy Magazine essays to 70 people around the world including yourself for the past five years and have written 86 essays in total with my magazine.

Conclusion. To recap—Canada is selling off our nonrenewable resources, buying back finished products, all the while accumulating monolithic government debt. I believe that recognizing a new sovereign is exactly what Canada needs now—for you to throw in an outlier. I think I can make a difference and await your response to my winning argument.

Christopher Bek
Copy—Caroline Tarkowski, CMHA Counselling Therapist