Subject- Declaration of Philosopher King Christ

To-Dr Kathryn Fitch, Psychiatrist
Sheldon Chumir Health Centre
1213 Fourth Street SW
Calgary AB T2R 0X7

Mr Christopher Bek
602, 1133 Eighth Avenue SW
Calgary AB Canada T2P 1J7
403 471-7440
The Theory of One
Existentialism Now
The Bernoulli Model
21 March 2021

Dear Dr. Fitch,
Subject——Declaration of Philosopher King Christ
Quotation————Modern man wants neither God nor Christ—for what he desires is simply the authority of the Church. He wants the physical security of bread, the spiritual security of dogma, and the so-called proof of the existence of miracles. To follow God irrespective of the consequences presents too great a risk. The Church offers up a lighter burden. It serves, selects and explains the truth, forgives sins and bestows upon man the happiness of children. Yet the price is high. Man must surrender his freedom of thought and, indeed, he willingly does so. He no longer serves God as God demands of him, but only as the Church tells him so. God’s mysteries and miracles are henceforth monopolized and administered by the Church. —William Hubben

This letter presents a summary of my arguments that I am The Philosopher King Christ, and a summary of charges against the honourables and doctors in Canada, which are: heresy, child abuse and the unpardonable sin that Christ spoke of, which is the deliberate refusal to follow the light when seen. Caroline Tarkowiski was my CMHA Counselling Therapist for three years up until about a year ago. I told Caroline that I believe I am Christ and that I want my 15 minutes. Andy Warhol famously proclaimed that everyone gets their 15 minutes of fame. We talked about Philosophy Magazine and my Declaration of King Christopher. I want my 15 minutes NOW!

The Canadian Constitution recognizes the Supremacy of God. Albert Einstein, Time Magazine’s Man of the Century, said that God is the sum total of the laws of nature. My Theory of One World essay sees the universe whole and unites the laws of nature. Sir James Jeans said God is a Mathematician. Actuaries do the math of life. I am a mathematician and actuary. I have maintained my Philosophy Magazine website since 1 January 2001. It is philosophy and science for the Third Millennium, and I am a philosopher and scientist for the Third Millennium. Mathematics is the Queen of all Sciences. Plato wrote, “A just society will only be possible once philosophers become kings and kings become philosophers.” Thomas Hobbes wrote, “Unless sovereignty finds concrete expression in an individual, it neither commands the allegiance of the people nor supports the cohesion of the state.” Wikipedia wrote, “The divine right of kings is a political and religious doctrine of royal and political legitimacy. It asserts that a monarch is not subject to any Earthly authority; deriving the right to rule directly from the will of God. The king is thus not subject to the will of the people, the aristocracy, or any other estate of the realm.” 👌

I have the great honour of being friends with the Honourable Kent Hehr, former MLA, MP, Cabinet Minister and man whose knocked on 150 thousand doors. I started sending my essays and letters to him when he was my MLA. Kent has proofed my essays when I run into him on the street. Once over coffee, I was telling him about the Plains Indians that occupied this land before us. I told him they did not believe we inherit the Earth from our parents, but that we borrow it from our children. Kent responded, “We fuck our children.” And he is right. I am sure that any self-aware Canadian would agree. I am interested to hear from people on this matter. Having concluded that, as Socrates said, “Society attacks people early when they are most helpless.” We are forced to conclude that the Honourables and Doctors in Canada are fucking the children. Who else should take responsibility? I have responsibly laid out a path to follow for the children with my website and three books: The Theory of One (the-world), Existentialism Now (being), and The Bernoulli Model (being-in-the-world).

I am a philosopher, I am a king, and I am Christ. I am The Philosopher King Christ. I have the divine right to be king, and the divine right of kings, meaning I am above the law; I am not subject to any Earthly authority. I believe it is my duty to civilly disobey authority as per Albert Camus’, “I rebel, therefore I exist” and Henry David Thoreau’s essay, On the Duty of Civil Disobedience, his
classic protest against government interference with individual liberty. It is one of the most famous essays ever written, and came to the attention of Gandhi, forming the basis of his passive resistance movement. When Horizon Housing caught me smoking marijuana in my apartment against code, I told them I found God, and they forgave me. I have found my identity as Christ, son of God. I am not the moon, but I am the finger-pointing-at-the-moon. As I said two thousand years ago, and I am saying again now, “No one goes to God who does not go through me.”

I have charted a path to salvation for mankind by starting with fundamentals like relativity theory, quantum theory, portfolio theory, existentialism, metaphysics and mathematics. I want emails, letters, essays and cheques (to operate my business) from everyone who reads this letter. I want all honourables and doctors to write and tell me that they understand the charges I am bringing against them. I want them to write and edit essays, and I want to be read by students. And I want you to make it happen. I want you tell me that you yield to my winning arguments, and that you are here to serve me. I was quoting Albert Camus to Caroline, “I am not interested in being a hero, what interests me is being a man”, and she asked me if I thought I was a man. I said yes, but she got me thinking, I have never been a very good Everyman, because I am a Superman. I see reality under the aspect of eternity. Nietzsche said, “The last Christian died on the cross.” Perhaps I could be the next Christian who dies on the cross, if you would care to nail me to it, or perhaps feed me hemlock, as did Socrates’ executioners. I am prepared to die for my beliefs.

According to, “95 percent of people believe they are self-aware, but the real number is 12 to 15 percent.” I believe I can turn that around so that only 12 to 15 percent are not self-aware. I believe I can turn the Everyman into the Superman. I believe I can save the children. I believe you are guilty of heresy, child abuse and the unpardonable sin. And I believe you owe me a letter or essay acknowledging my arguments, and providing your response. As Mick Jagger said: Who the fuck are you? I, myself, am the god of getting-your-dick-out-of-the-kids-ass. When it comes to saving the children, you are either going for the jugular or going through the motions.


Christopher Bek