Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin
Supreme Court of Canada
Supreme Court Building
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6
Dear Chief Justice,
Subject—Lawful and Rightful Declaration of Kingship to Canada
Christopher Bek
Office of the King
1004 First Street NW
Calgary Canada T2M 2S1
28 September 2002
Dear Chief Justice,
Subject—Lawful and Rightful Declaration of Kingship to Canada
Canadian Government Manifesto
This far, no further.
—Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the starship Enterprise
Bad Faith
My uncle, Edward Lloyd Morris (1925-92), for whom I was given my middle name, was one of the original Calgary oilmen. He grew up in Pincher Creek in Southern Alberta, and managed to become a test pilot for the Royal Canadian Air Force at fifteen. As I understand it, Madame Justice is also from Pincher Creek. Uncle Lloyd took an aptitude test after World War II with the intention of becoming a hairdresser. To his surprise the test revealed that he was better suited to engineering. He went on to study petroleum engineering at the University of Alberta in Edmonton. During the 50s and 60s Uncle Lloyd used to sleep in his car for weeks at a time while working sixteen hours a day at well sites. After striking oil he would come back to town and always be sure to always have two thousand dollars in his pocket. One of the many great stories my uncle told me involved two Russians named Sergei and Igor. While drinking vodka, Sergei asked Igor if he had two million Rubles, whether he would give Sergei one million Rubles? Igor responded—Of course, that is the communist way. Sergei then asked Igor if he had two cows, would he give him a cow? Igor responded—Of course, that is the communist way. Sergei then asked Igor if he had two pigs, would he give him a pig? Igor responded—Nyet. An exasperated Sergei asked why not? To which Igor responded—Because I have two pigs.
Knowledge Le Savoir
It is said that every man born is either a Platonist or an Aristotelian. While Plato (428-347 bc) gazed in awe at the universe, Aristotle (384-322 bc) tried to explain how it worked. Plato’s theory of knowledge and theory of forms holds that true or a priori knowledge must be certain and infallible, and it must be of real objects or Forms. The foundation for Plato and Aristotle was laid by the Greeks Thales (624-546 bc) and Pythagoras (582-500 bc) in founding geometry as the first mathematical discipline. Mathematics is the systematic treatment of Forms and relationships between Forms. It is the science of drawing conclusions and is the primordial foundation of absolutely all other science. The Greeks synthesized mathematical elements from both the Babylonians and the Egyptians in developing the concepts of proofs, axioms and the logical structure of definitions—all of which come together to produce what we call mathematical or a priori reason—which, when combined with empirical or a posteriori validation, enables us to arrive at a priori knowledge, which is the highest form of knowledge and is certainly the form of knowledge for which the Government of Canada refers when proclaiming—Knowledge le savoir. While Thales introduced geometry to Greece, it was Pythagoras who was the first to mathematically prove the Pythagorean theorem, which establishes a priori knowledge that the square of the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angle triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the two sides. Interestingly, Einstein’s relativity in 1905 is little more than an application of the Pythagorean theorem.
Augustine to Descartes
It was the Algerian Saint Augustine (354-430) who carried forward Platonic thought from the failing classical world to the emerging medieval, Christian world—a project that came to be known as the medieval synthesis. For twelve hundred years the flame of philosophy and science lit by Augustine burned ever so lowly under the agonizing oppression of the Church. Copernicus (1473-1543) published On the Revolution of Celestial Orbs in 1543 proving mathematically the theory of heliocentricity. And then by inventing and using of the telescope, Galileo (1564-1642) was able to provide the empirical validation of heliocentricity. Unfortunately, the Church soon after imprisoned Galileo for supporting this ontological truth. The French philosopher René Descartes (1596-1650) shared Galileo’s views, and envisioned the masterful strategy of presenting these revolutionary ideas to the Church in such a way that the Church believed the ideas were their own. His heroic plan succeeded and the philosophic and scientific Renaissance of the seventeenth century was born. So whereas the medieval period or dark ages began with Augustine’s coupling of philosophy and theology, the Renaissance commenced with the Cartesian decoupling of it. And it was with this Cartesian-inspired boldness and cunning in mind that I wrote my letter of 28 June 2002. It served up to the prime minister the legacy of grandfather to the emerging philosophic and scientific Renaissance of the third millennium. Unfortunately, as I found out, one should never underestimate the power of profound stupidity.
Arab Algebra
While the Church was jumping up and down on everyone’s head for over a millennium, Arab mathematicians like Muhammad al-Khwârizmî (780-850) were carrying the ball in founding algebra and algorithms. An algorithm is the procedural method for calculating and drawing conclusions with Arabic numerals and the decimal notation. Al-Khwârizmî served as librarian at the court of Caliph al-Mamun and as astronomer at the Baghdâd observatory. Interestingly, both the terms algebra and algorithm stem from the God, Allah. According to Arab philosophy, mathematics is the way God’s mind works. The Arabs believe that, by understanding mathematics, they are comprehending the mind of God. In fact, the very core of their religion lies with the belief that the people must submit to the will of God’s sovereignty—meaning simply that the Godmade laws of nature (ie. mathematics) trump the manmade laws of society. Interestingly, the basis of the Jew Spinoza’s (1632-1677) philosophy lay with the foundation that God and the universe are one in the same. Building on the ideas of Spinoza, the Jew Einstein claimed that God is the sum total of the natural laws of the universe. Given that the natural laws of the universe are nothing more than mathematical or a priori knowledge—and that the people of Israel offered Einstein the presidency of their country in 1950—one could say with mathematical certainty that the God of the Jews and the God of the Arabs is exactly the same God.
Analytic Geometry
The Latin version of al-Khwârizmî’s work is responsible for a great deal of the mathematical knowledge that resurfaced during the Renaissance. In fact, the notion that mathematics and God are the very same thing was adapted as the foundation for the Renaissance by thinkers like Descartes, Pascal, Fermat, Newton, Locke and Berkeley. Then, in what John Stuart Mill called the single greatest advance in the history of science, Descartes fulfilled the Pythagorean dream in conceiving analytic geometry by synthesizing Greek geometry with Arab algebra. The significance of this founding of modern mathematics is best understood in light of the fact that mathematicians from that point forward had two complimentary and fundamentally different ways of viewing the same Forms. For example, Einstein first introduced relativity theory in 1905 as a simple set of algebraic equations (ie. the Pythagorean theorem). Yet the theory was largely ignored until four years later when Minkowski presented a geometric view of relativity as characterized by the four-dimensional spacetime continuum. On the insistence of Queen Christina of Sweden, Descartes moved to Stockholm so that he could tutor her. But while Descartes had slept until noon everyday of his life up until then, Christina adamantly insisted that he rise at four in order to give her lessons at five in the morning. Descartes contracted pneumonia and died soon after at age fifty-four. Queen Christina responded to the news of his death by saying—My philosopher promised me he would live to a hundred. It seems he has not kept his promise.
The Lightspeed Limit
In 1887 two Americans named Michelson and Morley performed a monumentally important experiment which established empirical or a posteriori knowledge that the speed of light is invariably fixed at 186,284 miles per second. The Michelson-Morley experiment presented a problem in that, according to Newtonian physics, velocities are additive, thus contradicting the invariance of lightspeed. Einstein resolved the dilemma in 1905 with his special theory of relativity by revealing that space and time are variable, interrelated quantities. Special relativity offers the Pythagorean theorem as the underlying a priori justification for the Michelson-Morley result. Specifically, special relativity provides the mathematical or a priori reason which, when combined with the empirical or a posteriori validation of Michelson and Morley, enables us to arrive at a priori knowledge that lightspeed is the limiting speed for the universe.
The Theory of One Photon
Special relativity revealed that space and time dilate as a function of velocity relative to lightspeed in accordance with the Pythagorean theorem. For example, time for an astronaut traveling at 87 percent of lightspeed would elapse at half his original rate, while he would appear to a stationary observer to be half his original height (ie. h^2 + (v/c)^2 = 1, v/c = .87, (v/c)^2 = .75, h^2 + .75 = 1, h^2 = .25, h = .50). And then taking the dilation of spacetime to the limit, we see that bodies traveling at lightspeed exist at the very boundary of spacetime. In that, by definition, particles of light or photons travel at lightspeed, we can see that relativity provides a priori reason that photons exist at the boundary of spacetime. In 1982 three Frenchmen named Aspect, Dalibard and Roger performed a monumentally important experiment which established empirical or a posteriori knowledge that all photons in the universe are instantaneously connected to one another. Moreover, my theory of one recognizes the Form of boundedness as the underlying mathematical or a priori Form which, when combined with the empirical or a posteriori validation of Aspect-Dalibard-Roger, enables us to arrive at the incomprehensively profound a priori knowledge that there is only one photon in the universe. Lastly, by rightfully identifying the lone photon as Eve from the story of Creation, I have both proved the existence of God and have established an eternal, divine connection between myself and God—thereby irrefutably establishing myself as God’s legitimate agent. You can call me Christ.
The Sovereignty of Canada
The concept of sovereignty originated in Europe during the Renaissance when nations were looking for a secular basis to establish authority for emerging nation-states. A sovereign state is equal to other sovereign states in that it can govern its own territory, as well as being able to declare war, etc. The United Nations is the external authority that verifies the legality of sovereignties. The Sovereignty of Canada is defined with the division between state and government. Similarly, there is a clear distinction between head of government and head of state or sovereign. As head of government, the prime minister is an elected partisan, political leader. The head of state is nonpartisan and is therefore considered to be above politics. Canada is a constitutional monarchy whereby Queen Elizabeth II is recognized as hereditary sovereign, but entrusts most of the tasks for the head of state to the governor general. While the sovereign is ultimately responsible, the role is effectively split in that the governor general serves as head of state while the queen serves as sovereign. The office of governor general is Canada’s longest running institution and supposedly represents Canadian unity. Although neither the sovereign nor the head of state hold any political power, their roles are nonetheless seen as the sentinels for the highest common values of all Canadians—namely the future of the children.
The Constitution of Canada
The Constitution of Canada is a group of documents and conventions outlining the political and legal foundations and hierarchal structures of Canadian society. It describes the fundamental rights of citizens, as well as limiting the power of the sovereignty over the citizens. The role of the Supreme Court of Canada is not strictly defined by the constitution, but its authority and importance is undisputed by convention. The Supreme Court also acts largely by convention in granting political power to the prime minister, in recognizing the sovereign, and in adjudicating constitutional disputes. The Supreme Court is composed of nine justices, any or all of which can be removed in accordance with the Supreme Court Act for failing to properly manage the affairs of the Sovereignty of Canada.
The Totalitarianism of Canada
Totalitarianism is the practice of governance that attempts to monopolize all possible influences affecting the behavior of individuals. It atomizes people and existentially alienates them from themselves and each other, thus forcing them to capitulate to the to the external authority of government in order to survive. Totalitarianism depends upon the masses to control the masses by either physical or metaphysical force. The Canadian Government defines itself as totalitarian in that it denies the children access to the mind of God by buggering them with a wrongheaded education that is founded on a false, flat, dehistorized version of mathematics. What the government calls mathematics is essentially the language of mathematics—which relates to true mathematics in much the same way that studying the technical specifications of a Ferrari relate to actually driving a Ferrari on a mountain road on one of the last days of summer. The Government of Canada overloads children with irreverent mathematical data, which they forget moments after walking out of exams. The children then spend the rest of their so-called lives seeking external rather than internal validation. Specifically, the Government of Canada processes children in exactly the same way that McDonalds processes chickens. This deliberate damaging of the children inspires the agency problem whereby societal institutions have thus chosen themselves over the people. As a bonus, the method facilitates governmental reelection efficiency in that it reduces the people into a single demographic whereby everyone is a malleable Everyman.
Compounding Moral Errors
My theory of one establishes irrefutable a priori knowledge that there is only one photon in the universe. Relativity is the natural law of space and time and is based on lightspeed. Quantum theory is the natural law of matter and is based on Planck’s constant. In addition to proving that there is only one photon in the universe, my theory of one unites the Godmade laws of nature and proves that matter does not exist—thus making possible the realization of eternal existence on Earth. The Kingdom is come and needs only to be accepted to be realized. I have thus served up, without a doubt, the greatest truth the world has ever known—making me morally superior to every person who has ever lived. Any physicist or mathematician worth their salt, including the ten physicists that were sent copies of my 28 June 2002 letter, could easily refute this ontological truth in a heartbeat—were it to be in error. In that I have not heard anything from the ten physicists in the three months since the letter, I can say with certainty that the theory of one stands as the irrefutable truth. It cannot be thoughtlessly dismissed by anyone including the second-rate dilettante and Canadian Government science agent, Nigel Lloyd. So by dismissing it out-of-hand, the prime minister has committed a fundamental moral error. And by doing so in knowing bad faith (ie. Knowledge le savoir)—the prime minister is guilty of a hideous compounding of this fundamental moral error. The rudimentary role of the sovereign is to look out for the children—which the sovereign has not done in this case. Ultimately though, the Supreme Court is responsible for any failure of the prime minister or the sovereign to carryout their office. Thus we can then see that all nine justices on the Supreme Court have breached their obligation of good behavior to the people of Canada in accordance with the Supreme Court Act. In summary, I have just obliterated the entire moral and legal foundation of yourself, the prime minister, the sovereign, the governor general, the Government of Canada, the Supreme Court of Canada, and in fact the very entity that is the Sovereignty of Canada.
Declaration of Kingship
The Divine Right of Kings is an ancient doctrine which states that sovereigns represent God and thus derive their right to rule directly from God. According to the doctrine, sovereigns are only responsible to God and are not subject to secular limitations. The doctrine was supported during the Renaissance by the English Royalists against the Parliamentarians, who believed that political power arose from the will of the people. But in Canada we know that the sovereign holds no political power, and thus the Parliamentarians (ie. the Government of Canada) have no grounds for opposing the doctrine. Furthermore, neither the existing sovereign nor the Supreme Court have grounds for opposing my claim in that I am replacing an ineffective, symbolic sovereign with an effective, divine sovereign. Therefore, in exercising the Divine Right of Kings, I, Christopher Lloyd Bek, acting under the legitimate agency of God and having demonstrated my morally superiority, lawfully and rightfully claim My Kingship and sole Sovereignship to the Sovereignty of Canada. My contention of lawfulness is based on the fact that my theory of one unites the laws of nature—and that the Godmade laws of nature trump the manmade laws of society. My contention of rightfulness is based on, among other things, the fact that my essays like Transcending Uncertainty simply and clearly delineate overwhelmingly important ontological truths like quantum theory for the children. May anyone who morally stands against me speak now or forever hold your peace.
Legal Description of My Kingship
As the King of Canada, I will hold no political power, will walk among the people, and will be above the manmade laws of government. I answer only to God, but will endeavor to respect the salient manmade laws of government. I will complete no forms and will pay no government taxes, fees or fines for myself or my company—Risk Management Services / Philosophymagazine. In order to establish the proper legality of my Kingship, I strongly recommend you immediately take the steps listed below. Failure to do so will be taken as an escalatingly-aggressive totalitarian act of government coercion against God, the children and myself.
1) Issue a press release confirming My Kingship and sole Sovereignship to the Sovereignty of Canada
2) Enlist the services of any of the following three individuals to act as intermediary between myself and the Sovereignty of Canada—Right Honorable William Clinton, Right Honorable Peter Lougheed, Mr. Peter Mansbridge
3) Notify all government institutions and agencies of my new divine sovereign status (ie. Canada Customs and Revenue, Revenue Alberta, Alberta Health and Wellness, Calgary Police, RCMP, etc.)
4) Grant me entry-level diplomatic status until such time as I have demonstrated the right to be upgraded
5) Recommend to the prime minister that he strongly considers retiring at least one year earlier than he previously specified
6) Notify Queen Elizabeth II that she has been honorably discharged as the Sovereign of Canada
7) Recommend to the Government of Canada that Mr. Nigel Lloyd be dishonorably discharged
8) Begin working on amending the Constitution of Canada to more generically and robustly define the role of sovereign
9) Recommend to the governor general and the ten lieutenant governors to begin considering ways of helping the young people reinvent the government
10)Ask the governor general and the ten lieutenant governors to oversee the completion and safe return of the attached Bernoulli Delphi questionnaire by the respective governments
My A Priori Definition of Values and Opinions
I value the future of the children. I value freedom and responsibility. When I choose I choose for all Beings. I do not value the Unholy Lie that the Government calls freedom. I do not believe the Government has the right to force the children to think the same way as the Government. I believe the only true way to solve problems is to uncover their roots, which I believe is based on the honest and truthful application of mathematics. I do not believe in manipulative Government initiates like the Kyoto accord. As a philosopher and scientist, I will continue developing and presenting option-based, ontologically superior educational and business models so that the children and the business leaders are able to foster win-win-win situations that will enable the people of Canada to rebuild society based on the Godmade four-dimensional spacetime continuum, rather than the totalitarianism that currently exists in Canada. I believe that the new Canada under my moral, non-politically empowered reign as King will ultimately be able to cultivate the solving of all the world’s problems. While I feel sad for the people that died in New York on 11 September 2001, my more pressing concern lies with the 32,000 children that die every single day around the world. The educational model that I will continue developing is The Cartesian Model, and is based on the ideas that children can sleep until noon, study whatever they want, and are not required to take exams—but are nonetheless required to take responsibility for themselves and the world. The business model that I will continue developing is The Bernoulli Model that is based on The Markowitz Model, and is delineated in the enclosed material. I will carryon voicing my opinion through the Risk Management Review and Philosophymagazine with the intention of telling the simple, verifiable truth. I believe that I am Einstein-times-ten and that I am able to say in two pages what people like Immanuel Kant failed to say in eight hundred. I believe that there is only one problem in the world today—and that is the agency problem—and that the theory of one cures the agency problem by denying people the ability to hide behind their agency.
King Christopher Bek
Bernoulli Delphi
I would ask the Government to answer the following ten Bernoulli Delphi questions.
1) Does the Government believe in the possibilities of reincarnation and immortality on Earth?
2) Does the Government believe it is responsible for acknowledging and fostering Greatness?
3) Does the Government believe it has the right to force Children to think the same as the Government?
4) Does the Government believe in God?
5) Does the Government believe that the Godmade laws of nature trump the manmade laws of the Government?
6) Does the Government believe that God is the foundation of morality?
7) Does the Government believe in transcendence towards God?
8) Does the Government believe Saint Augustine’s assertion that God exists outside of time, or does the Government believe that God exists in time?
9) If God exists outside of time, and we exist in time, then where is the boundary that crosses over between time and timelessness?
10)Does the Government believe that ignorance is a valid excuse for immorality?
Queen Elizabeth II | Queen of Great Britain & Northern Ireland | Ottawa, Ontario |
Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson | Governor General of Canada | Ottawa, Ontario |
Prime Minister Jean Chrétien | Government of Canada | Ottawa, Ontario |
Premier Ralph Klein | Government of Alberta | Edmonton, Alberta |
Right Honourable Stephen Harper | Leader of the Opposition and Leader of the Federal Canadian Alliance Party | Ottawa, Ontario |
Right Honourable Joe Clark | Leader of the Federal Progressive Conservative Party | Ottawa, Ontario |
Right Honourable William J Clinton | Former President of the United States | New York, New York |
Ms Brigitte Vanherzeele | Canadiana Acquitions Division and Legal Deposit Office, National Library of Canada | Ottawa, Ontario |
Mr Peter Mansbridge | Chief Correspondent, CBC News | Toronto, Ontario |
Mr Peter Jennings | Broadcaster, ABC Inc. | New York, New York |
Mr Gord Nixon | President, Royal Bank of Canada | Toronto, Ontario |
Mr Israel H. Asper | Executive Chairman of the Board, Canwest Global Communications Corp. |
Winnipeg, Manitoba |
Christopher Bek is a mathematician, actuary, philosopher, scientist and writer—and is a superior spreadsheet, database and riskmodeling craftsman. He has consulted to the top executives of one of the largest companies in Canada—and has made presentations relating to the philosophy and science of risk management in Houston and New York. Chris founded Risk Management Services in 1995 dedicated to helping executives develop scientific management practices that will allow organizations to properly serve the shareholders, the stakeholders and society in the community. Socrates (470-399 BC) set the table for Plato (427-347 BC) by radically insisting that we must first answer the question of what X is before we can say anything else about X. Plato then founded philosophy by daring to ask what existence would be like outside the cave. Chris founded Philosophymagazine on 1 January 2001 in support of those who have taken a less traveled road in the struggle towards daylight.
Microsoft Encarta (2001)
Divine Right of Kings, ancient doctrine that sovereigns are representatives of God and derive their right to rule directly from God. The concept was formulated from the theocracies of the East. Before the Reformation, the monarch was considered God’s representative in all secular matters. Following the Reformation, in Protestant countries, the ruler filled this function in religious matters also. According to the doctrine, a ruler’s power is not subject to secular limitation; the ruler is responsible only to God. In the 17th century the doctrine was supported by the English Royalists against the Parliamentarians, who maintained that the exercise of political power springs from the will of the people.
English opponents of divine right included the poet and prose writer John Milton, the republican leader Algernon Sidney, and the political theorist James Harrington. The chief supporters of the doctrine were the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes, the French classical scholar Claudius Salmasius, and the English political writer Sir Robert Filmer, whose Patriarcha, or The Natural Power of Kings Asserted (1680) contains a complete exposition of the theory. The controversy terminated in 1689, following the Glorious Revolution when William III and Mary II were jointly crowned after agreeing to accept the Act of Toleration and the Declaration of Rights. The doctrine of divine right, epitomized by King Louis XIV of France, was one of the elements that led to the French Revolution.