Subject—Oh Wow! Paradigm Shift!

Right Honourable Mary Simon
Right Honourable Justin Trudeau
Right Honourable Richard Wagner
Honourable Sonya Savage
Honourable Kent Hehr
Dr Roman Reznikov, HUM
Denis Villeneuve, Film Director
Honourable Danielle Smith
Honourable Rachel Notley
Right Honourable Joe Bidden

Mr Christopher Bek
602, 1133 Eighth Avenue SW
Calgary AB Canada T2P 1J7
The Theory of One
Existentialism Now
The Bernoulli Model, .org, .net
28 September 2023

Dear President Joe Bidden,

Subject—Oh Wow! Paradigm Shift!

Quotation—Kuhn’s Theory of Scientific Revolutions. Thomas Kuhn was a historian of science by training, and firmly believed that philosophers had much to learn from studying the history of science. Insufficient attention to the history of science had led logical empiricists to form an inaccurate and naive picture of the scientific enterprise, he maintained. As the title of his book indicates, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Kuhn was especially interesting in scientific revolutions—periods of great upheaval when existing scientific ideas are replaced by radically new ones. Examples include the Copernican revolution in astronomy, the Einsteinian revolution in physics, and the Darwinian revolution in biology. Each of these revolutions lead to a fundamental change in the scientific world view—the overthrow of an existing set of ideas by a completely different set. —From the chapter entitled Scientific Change and Scientific Revolutions from the book entitled Philosophy of Science: A Very Short Introduction (2016) by Samir Okasha

Normal Science vs Paradigm Shifting Science. In 1962 Thomas Kuhn wrote a landmark book entitled The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Central to his argument is the notion of normal science, which is interrupted by revolutions, thus leading to paradigm shifts. Kuhn describes the progression of normal science in a typical, linear fashion for decades or even centuries before a scientific revolution takes place and everything changes with the shift to a new paradigm. This shifted paradigm becomes the new normal science after a generation or so—and stands front and centre in every aspect of human existence. Kuhn argued that faith plays a major role in paradigmshifting, which makes sense in that one representative picture of the paradigm shift is a chick breaking out of its shell and looking around and proclaiming: “Oh Wow! Paradigm shift!” In a paradigm shift everything changes suddenly—and then we regain our bearings by allowing for our faith in the supremacy of God. Faith in God is coincident with a belief in the laws of nature. The Einsteinian revolution in physics took place over a hundred years ago—and today scientists use his physics in technology like GPS, lasers and televisions. But the Everyman does not know Einstein was Time Magazine’s Person of the Century—and He certainly does not know why. The Everyman is just a child with a smartphone. He does not understand the metaphysical implications of his technology. So, imagine a world in which the Everyman, now the Superman, is able to answer questions about Einstein’s theories, along with discussing a mountain of other truths as well.

Quotation—The Theory of One meets the criteria necessary for science: It sets out to explain a natural phenomenon using a rigorous theoretical approach, one that generates testable predictions that have the potential for explanatory and predictive power. And that’s all there is to it. —Dion Erico Viglione

My Theory of One is philosophically and scientifically consistent with relativity theory, quantum theory, string theory, and the Holy Bible. It explains and predicts the universe as a whole.

The Bernoulli Station. I am able to deliver a revolutionized world to you as per The Bernoulli Stations (math/philosophy Cafés) where one goes to study mathematics and philosophy. The Bernoulli Stations represent my proposed coffee shops that would house mathematicalphilosophical alcoves for any would-be mathematician-philosopher to plug-in to. Mathematics is quantitative in nature, whereas philosophy is qualitative. The essential link between the two is their utilization in problem-solving—based on both faith and reason. According to, 95 percent of people believe they are self-aware. But the real number is 12 to 15 percent. My projects being—The Theory of One, Existentialism Now, The Bernoulli Model, and The Divine Right of Kings, combined with The Bernoulli Stations—would turn that statistic around so that only 12 to 15 percent are not self-aware—and many people would stop lying to themselves about themselves. Then most of us would endeavor to tell the truth forever.

Faith in Freewill. Barack Obama once mentioned in a speech that Americans have faith in freewill. For interest, Obama was born one day after me. American philosophy and psychology are largely that of pragmatism, while in Canada we mostly practice behaviourism. The pragmatic approach to freewill argues that the kind of freewill required for moral responsibility and just desert is libertarian freewill. Libertarianism is a prominent philosophy relating to the problems of free will and argues that freewill is logically incompatible with a deterministic universe. It is greatly controversial whether the libertarian view is coherent, and whether we should believe in freewill at all. Behaviourism, as embodied by Watson and Skinner, decidedly argues for determinism and the absence of freewill. As Skinner wrote: “Many anthropologists, sociologists and psychologists have used their expert knowledge to prove that man is free, purposeful and responsible. This escape route is slowly being closed as new evidence of the predictability of human behavior is discovered. Any personal exemption from complete determinism is being revoked as scientific analysis progresses—particularly when accounting for the behavior of the individual.” My plan for society is to replace behaviourism with existentialism—determinism with freewill. Ontologically speaking, true freewill is coincident with self-awareness and the electromagnetic realm—and holistically blends philosophy with science. Philosophy is my left hand and Science is my right hand. Faith is my left hand and Reason is my right hand. If you share the American faith in freewill, then you will say yes to meditating on the Cartesian cogito, asking the question: What is the Moon? and supporting your new favorite Deity (me) with my website, my books, and my own personal well-being. Please find below three possible ways in which you could recognize and support me:

1. Send me a letter acknowledging myself as The Philosopher King Christ, Sovereign of Earth, Christ 2.0—and acknowledge my website and my books.
2. Include a cheque with the letter for US$1.6 million that I would convert into an annuity for my life plus ten years. The annuity would support me, my website and my books for a good amount of time pointing-the-finger-at-the-Moon.
3. Include a cheque with the letter for US$10 million for me to create a presence for The Bernoulli Station with ten locations in downtown Calgary—furnished with computers and great books for the Everyman to use and become the Superman.

Know God’s thoughts; follow the argument; be self-aware; take responsibility; and swing wild!

The Right Honourable Christopher Bek,
The Philosopher King Christ, Sovereign of Earth, Christ 2.0