Subject—Philosophy and Science for the Third Millenium

Right Honourable Mary Simon
Right Honourable Justin Trudeau
Right Honourable Richard Wagner
Honourable Sonya Savage
Honourable Kent Hehr
Dr Roman Reznikov, HUM
Denis Villeneuve, Film Director
Honourable Danielle Smith
Honourable Rachel Notley
Right Honourable Joe Bidden
Pierre Poilievre, Conservative Party of Canada

Mr Christopher Bek
602, 1133 Eighth Avenue SW
Calgary AB Canada T2P 1J7
The Theory of One
Existentialism Now
The Bernoulli Model, .org, .net
1 February 2024

Dear Pierre Poilievre,

Subject—Philosophy and Science for the Third Millenium

Quotation—No one wants to believe the truth is as simple as it is. —Stephen Hawking

Please allow me to introduce myself. I am King Christ Lloyd Bek: mathematician, actuary, philosopher, scientist, metaphysician, consultant and published writer. In addition to introducing myself, I wish to present an idea to you suggesting a fundamental shift in the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) from Right to Centre. As such, the “C” would stand for Centred, Cerebral, Conservative. It is my greatest hope that all Government in Canada embrace the following propositions:

1) Teach Existentialism Now and actuarial science in high school on self-day and at The Bernoulli Stations;

2) Realize The Bernoulli Station as the development of mathematics, philosophy, and computer Cafés where one experiences the Intellectual Love of God. Downtown Calgary could be the Beachhead followed by the eventual Global implementation of Truth and Beauty for everyone, everywhere;

3) Explore the three branches of metaphysics, as existence or being or self, reality or nature or the universe or God, and individuality or identity or being-in-the-universe;

4) Deprescribe from blue pills (antipsychotics, antidepressants, and antianxieties) and occasionally take red pills including psychedelics and cannabis;

5) Adopt the mantras Canada-wide: Total freedom and total responsibility. Know God’s thoughts, follow the argument, be self-aware, take  , and swing wild; and

6) Replace Social Studies with Metaphysics in grade school.

Please find enclosed three essays that I wrote this January. I have added your name to my mailing list, from which I have been sending out essays and letters for the past 28 years. The mailing list sits at about 70 individuals including: honourables, doctors, educators, celebrities, executives, family and friends. I send out between three and five packages per year. Please let me know if you do not wish to receive these philosophic and scientific offerings.

Know God’s thoughts; follow the argument; be self-aware; take responsibility; and swing wild!

The Right Honourable Christopher Bek, The Philosopher King Christ, Sovereign of Earth, Christ 2.0