Subject—Philosophy Magazine Business Plan

To— Canadian Mental Health Association
Horizon Housing Society
Calgary Housing Company
TD Direct Investing
Government of Canada
Government of Alberta
City of Calgary
BMO Bank of Montreal
RBC Royal Bank

Mr Christopher Bek
602, 1133 Eighth Avenue SW
Calgary AB Canada T2P 1J7
403 471-7440
The Theory of One
Existentialism Now
The Bernoulli Model
14 August 2020

Dear Philanthropists,
Subject— Philosophy Magazine Business Plan
Quotation——People ask for bread and are given stones. They beg for advice on how to be saved and are told that salvation is an infantile neurosis. They long for guidance on how to live responsibly and are told they are machines, like computers, without free will and therefore without responsibility. —EF Schumacher

I am writing to you today to introduce myself and propose a project you may be interested in sponsoring. I am a mathematician, actuary, philosopher, scientist and published writer—and a superior spreadsheet, database and risk modeling craftsman. I published The Theory of One five years ago in an attempt to solve the fundamental project of how to unite special relativity with quantum theory. It is a new theology. I published Existentialism Now two years ago in an attempt to solve the fundamental project of how to help the Everyman become the Superman. It is a new psychology. I constructed and launched the original website in 2001. Two years ago I updated my website with WordPress. I have written more than one hundred essays and mailed out more than six thousand copies on my essay paper—Philosophy Magazine and the Risk Management Review. 👍

The Bernoulli Model is a risk management and decision making methodology that presents the same consistent storyboard for all organizational risk factors. The storyboard sits atop a stylish engineered portfolio of scientific management algorithms that form an advanced forecasting system that is mathematically accessible to executives. It is named after a family of Swiss mathematicians who lived several hundred years ago and is founded on portfolio theory developed by Harry Markowitz at the University of Chicago during the 1950s. Markowitz forever linked reward with risk in the same way that Einstein linked space with time in that both the expected outcome and the attendant uncertainty of outcome are required to complete the picture. The Bernoulli Model is based in Excel/VBA.

I am proposing that you sponsor the continued development of the fundamental project to produce knowledge for its own sake. This Philosophy Magazine project entails paying local writers to write essays and then mailing out and possibly posting to the website. An essay is a written construct where the author gives his or her own argument. The dictionary definition of an essay is that of an attempt or try. One could, for example, try to solve the hard problem of consciousness with an essay. Essays are typically either formal or informal. Formal essays are written with an organized and serious manner and tend to be longer in length. Informal essays are characterized by personal elements like revelation, experiences and tastes as well as humor. They tend to be more gracefully styled with a novel theme.

I have written and am proposing an essay format that takes the best of the formal and informal styles to produce a hybrid 1,600-word, five to eight paragraph essay format that begins with a story. I suggest 1,600 words because it fits perfectly on the essay paper I developed—with room for your logo. The five to eight paragraph essay paragraphs are: a story/introduction, three to six body, and a conclusion. Beginning each try (essay) with a story sets the process of revelation in motion. It adds a personal perspective to the otherwise proper subject matter. The writing goes for the heart of the matter using refined, direct, common language.

I propose the following twenty-four essay subjects representing two years’ worth of topics for Philosophy Magazine and the Risk Management Review. We could send out Philosophy Magazine on odd-numbered months and the Risk Management Review on even-numbered months.

Philosophy Magazine Risk Management Review
Philosophy and Science for the Third
Millennium — Twelve sample subjects
Philosophy and Science for Officers and
Directors — Twelve sample subjects
Existentialism, Phenomenology, Albert Camus,
Jean-Paul Sartre, Metaphysics, Ontology and
the Soul, Special Relativity, Quantum Theory,
Gravity and Inertia, The Copenhagen
Interpretation, The Double-Slit Experiment and
The Dialectical Method.
Portfolio Theory, Optimization Theory, Utility
Theory, Actuarial Science, The Efficient
Frontier, Forecasting Methods, Event Risk
Modeling, Statistical Decision Theory,
Stochastic Modeling, Monte Carlo Simulation,
Neural Networks and Bayesian Analysis.
Philosophy (Metaphysics and Existentialism) Science (Paradigm Shifting)
Philosophy in Greek is defined as the love of
wisdom. Historically, philosophy encompasses
all bodies of knowledge. It is the study of
general and fundamental questions about
existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind,
and language. Philosophy is divided into:
metaphysics, the fundamental nature of
existence and reality; epistemology, the nature
of knowledge and beliefs; ethics or moral
values; and logic. Existentialism explores the
nature of existence by emphasizing the
experience of the acting, feeling, living human
being. The existential attitude is one of dread,
disorientation, confusion or anxiety in a
seemingly meaningless, absurd world.
In 1962, Thomas Kuhn presented his idea of a
paradigm shift with his important book The
Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Localized, it
is a fundamental change in basic concepts and
experimental practices of a scientific discipline.
Globalized, it is a fundamental change in basic
perspectives and religious practices. The root
of the word “religion” being a reconnection
with reality. Kuhn contrasts paradigm shifts
with normal science, the scientific thinking
within a prevailing paradigm. Paradigm shifts
arise when the dominant paradigm is rendered
incompatible with emerging phenomena, thus
facilitating a shift to a new theory or paradigm.
It is all about singularities.

I estimate the following monthly expenses: $800 for the author (local university graduates), $400 for the editor (FriesenPress), $400 for the manager, $400 for the principal (me), $300 for the printer, and $200 for the website. Bringing the total to $2,500 or $500 per month per sponsor (if there are five sponsors). Each sponsor would receive a certain number of essays each month for mailout to clients, associates and friends—or could do anything they want with, including selling. They are stories worth telling over and over again.

I propose a four-year agreement bringing the total cost of the project to $120,000 or $24,000 per sponsor (if there are five sponsors). True knowledge is imperative for decision-makers. It represents comprehension of subject matter of the highest level. Help me to construct a Philosophic and Scientific Theatre of Being and Spacetime. Help me to create a new language of making arguments for: the city of Calgary, the province of Alberta, and the country of Canada. I hope you consider supporting this vital project to produce 48 defining essays.


Christopher Bek
Wisdom begins with the definition of terms. —Socrates