Richard Alaire
Central Community Mental Health Centre
Second Floor 1000 Eighth Avenue SW
Calgary Alberta T2P 3M7
6 November 2006
Mr Christopher Bek
602, 1133 Eighth Avenue SW
Calgary Canada T2P 1J7
403 471-7440
6 November 2006
Dear Mr Alaire,
Subject—Request for Consideration
Caption—They deem him their worst enemy who tells them the truth. —Plato
I offer this letter as a follow up to a letter I wrote to Doctor Roy Turner on 17 July 2006. In that he has failed to respond, I would argue that Dr Turner is operating in bad faith. He has chosen not to take responsibility. For your interest, the Philosophymagazine essay, I Am Canadian, is based on this letter of 17 July 2006. The essence of the letter puts forth three arguments as well offering a method for determining the validity of the arguments. Of the three arguments—the existential cognitive model, the method of argument and the theory of one—the existential cognitive model is the most pertinent to the medical profession. Essentially, the default choice of the behavioral or the authoritian cognitive model over the existential or the Cartesian cogito cognitive model is making society sick—all the while the doctors are making a killing off this inflicted illness.
I propose that I deliver five-essay pocketbooks of The Theory of One in Ninety Minutes to grade twelve students. At the end of the year the students would write a Philosophymagazine-style essay argument depicting whether the theory is correct or not. Furthermore we would deliver single-sheet essays to coffee shops, old-age homes, homeless shelters and prisons across Canada. I would write one essay per month. My request is that your clinic acts on my behalf in acquiring funding for Philosophymagazine. I would require eight thousand dollars per month—two thousand of which would go to my agent. I would also need a van to deliver the essays. I will call you in two weeks time.
Christopher Bek
Enclosed Letter of 17 July 2006 to Doctor Turner
The I Am Canadian Philosophymagazine essay
Copy Premier Ralph Klein
Doctor Roy Turner, Central Community Mental Health Centre
Armando Sciascia, Central Community Mental Health Centre
Kim Filippelli Canadian Mental Health
Request For Consideration