Health Upwardly Mobile: Dr Roman Reznikov
Horizon Housing Society: Martina Jileckova
Calgary Housing Company: Deborah Robb
AISH/CPP: Cameron Egler
TD Direct Investing: Paul Clark
Government of Canada: Justin Trudeau
Government of Alberta: Sonya Savage
Former MLA, MP, Cabinet Minister: Kent Hehr
BMO Bank of Montreal: Sasha Smode
Governor General of the Sovereignty of Canada: Mary Simon
Sister and Brother-in-Law: Corinne and Neale Cruickshank
Mr Christopher Bek
602, 1133 Eighth Avenue SW
Calgary AB Canada T2P 1J7
403 471-7440
The Theory of One
Existentialism Now
The Bernoulli Model
14 September 2021
Dear Stakeholders,
Subject— Salvation of The Philosopher King Christ
Quotation—When any creativity becomes useful, it is sucked into the vortex of commercialism, and when a thing becomes commercial, it becomes the enemy of man. — Arthur Miller
I am writing to the twelve of you today to describe my situation, to set forth my course of action, and to suggest how each of you could respond. I believe I deserve special consideration on account of my website, books, Facebook page, mails, emails, Calgary Philosophy Magazine Meetup, and My Holy and Divine Proclamation of The Philosopher King Christ, Sovereign of Earth. Hear me now and from now on as I shout at the top of my lungs that you owe me a response! Please find enclosed The Bernoulli Model Actuarial Valuation page, the Risk Management Services essay, and the Philosophy Magazine mailing list.
Quotation— We shall look at the world and try to see it whole. —EF Schumacher
Divine Proclamation. The Canadian Constitution recognizes the Supremacy of God. Albert Einstein, Time Magazine’s Person of the Century, said God is the sum total of the laws of nature. My Theory of One World essay sees the universe whole, and reveals the laws of nature. Sir James Jeans said God is a Mathematician. Actuaries do the math of life. Mathematics is the Queen of all
Sciences. I am a mathematician and an actuary. I have maintained my Philosophy Magazine website since 1 January 2001. I have written over one hundred 1600-word essays, the perfect format for printing on one-page, two-sided essay paper. An essay is a try. It is a written piece designed to present an idea, propose an argument, express an emotion, or initiate a debate. I would argue that the Philosophy Magazine style essays should be the universal standard for making arguments. Philosophy Magazine is philosophy and science for the Third Millennium. The Risk Management Review is philosophy and science for officers and directors. And I am a philosopher and scientist for officers and directors and the Third Millennium. Plato wrote, “A just society will only be possible once philosophers become kings and kings become philosophers.” Thomas Hobbes wrote, “Unless sovereignty finds concrete expression in an individual, it neither
commands the allegiance of the people nor supports the cohesion of the state.” Wikipedia wrote, “The divine right of kings is a political and religious doctrine of royal and political legitimacy. It asserts that a monarch is not subject to any Earthly authority; deriving the right to rule directly from the will of God. The king is thus not subject to the will of the people, the aristocracy, or any other estate of the realm.” Einstein also said, “I want to know God’s thoughts, the rest are details.” Well, I know God’s thoughts. So, who am I? The first six letters of my name spell—Christ.
To recap: I am a philosopher, I am a king, and I am a Christ. I am The Philosopher King Christ, Sovereign of Earth. I challenge all those who oppose me to speak now!
Quotation—Faith is not in conflict with reason—nor is it a substitute. —EF Schumacher
Please find below a list of requested individual responses to this letter of appeal.
Organization / Name | Proposed Response |
Health Upwardly Mobile: Dr Roman Reznikov | Write a 1600-word essay: A Stoic View of Existentialism. |
Horizon Housing Society: Martina Jileckova | Offer subscriptions of Philosophy Magazine and the Risk Management Review to Horizon Housing tenants. |
Calgary Housing Company: Deborah Robb | Recognize my Divine Right to freely spend my savings on matters I consider to be of ontological significance. Furthermore, reduce my rent by $200 per month. |
AISH/CPP: Cameron Egler | Grant me a Sovereign Exception and treat my Wyatt pension ($360 per month) as allowable income (up to $1,000 per month under AISH/CPP). |
TD Direct Investing: Paul Clark | Transfer $35,000 from my TD Disability Savings Account to my BMO Checking Account. Grant me a Sovereign Discount. |
Government of Canada: Justin Trudeau | Write a 1600-word essay: The Portfolio Theory of Canada. |
Government of Alberta: Sonya Savage | Write a 1600-word essay: The New Conservative Across Spacetime. Fund the basic operating costs to restart Risk Management Services for the next three years ($120,000). |
Former MLA, MP, Cabinet Minister: Kent Hehr | Write a 1600-word essay: The Treatment of Children in Canada. |
BMO Bank of Montreal: Sasha Smode | Write a 1600-word essay: Portfolio Theory. Grant me a Sovereign Discount. |
Governor General of the Sovereignty of Canada: Mary Simon | Compensate me $640 (ie. $1,000 – $360) per month for life for being The Philosopher King Christ, Sovereign of Earth. Write a 1600-word essay: Arguing for The Philosopher King Christ Bek, Sovereign of Earth. |
Sister and Brother-inLaw: Corinne and Neale Cruickshank | Accept the offers of consulting positions of Treasurer and CFO of Risk Management Services with compensation of up to $1,000 per month each. Risk Management Services is a company directed towards producing forward-thinking, selfaware, philosophic and scientific essays, books and holistic risk management models and practices. |
Quotation—War is a judgment which overtakes societies that have been living upon ideas that conflict too violently with the laws of nature. —Dorothy Sayers
Jean-Paul Sartre wrote, “When I choose, I choose for all men.” Choosing me would be choosing to tell the truth for all beings (matter, life, consciousness, self-awareness). Choosing me means yielding to my simple, beautiful, faithful, reasonable arguments—and saying yes to the possibility of altering society’s trajectory by initiating a paradigm shift to self-awareness and the attendant responsibility. It means saying yes to taking steps to avoid our extinction in the 80 to 90 years that scientists are predicting. I am a mathematician, actuary, philosopher, scientist, metaphysician, and published writer; and a superior spreadsheet, database, and risk-modeling craftsman. I have consulted to the top executives of one of the largest companies in Canada, and have made presentations relating to the philosophy and science of portfolio risk management in Houston and New York. I have lived and worked in Toronto, San Francisco, and my hometown of Calgary.
Quotation—Wisdom begins with the definition of terms. —Socrates
Existentialism Now argues that the behavioural psychological model is present in Western Civilization. Behaviourism only asks that we behave normally. It is the theory that observable, objective activities can provide a proper representation of human behaviour. Existentialism transcends behaviourism by asking us to take the responsibility that comes with freedom. Existentialism gives us meaning and purpose in our lives by knowing God’s thoughts. It is primarily the work of many great nineteenth and twentieth-century European philosophers including: Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Dostoyevsky, Kafka, Camus, and Sartre. They all believed that philosophy begins with the concrete human experience; with the acting, feeling, and living human being. Existentialism also concerns itself with bad faith in failing to take responsibility, and its opposite, good faith or authenticity; the degree to which one’s true nature, spirit and character exist in reality despite overwhelming social pressure to conform.
Quotation–I’m not living in the real world no more. –Deborah Harry of Blondie
I am not living in the real world no more, as the world I have created in my mind is so much better. Saint Augustine said the first step forward is to see that attention is firmly fastened on the truth. Albert Einstein said I want to know God’s thoughts; the rest are details. To know God’s thoughts is to seek the simple, beautiful, reasonable, and faithful truth. To build, rebuild, always moving forward. Always seeking to think clearly. As Descartes said: There is no beauty comparable to the beauty of truth. As Camus said: I merely want to see clearly.
Quotation–Be bold the mighty forces will come to your aid. –Johann Goethe
Telling the truth takes resources. I spent years spending minimally on basic needs, while spending more liberally on saving the children. I have spent on my endeavors to see the universe whole, to see man whole, and to see man in the universe whole.
Quotation–We must will the extinction of the old sick self. –Soren Kierkegaard
The time has come to will the extinction of the old sick self by making the fifteen percent commitment to God, the Mathematician and the sum total of the laws of nature. Metaphysics is the sum total of Being and Reality, or Man and God, or Inner and Outer.
Quotation–They deem him their worst enemy who tells them the truth. –Plato
Spinoza described the intellectual love of God as a state of divinity for which humans may aspire. This deeply satisfying love arises from the intuitive and immediate comprehension of God. The intellectual love of God resonates with a long tradition of philosophical thinkers going back to Plato. Søren Kierkegaard (1813-55) was a Danish philosopher, theologian, poet, social critic and religious writer who is considered the first existential philosopher. Kierkegaard believed in God, but not the Church, just like Spinoza. Kierkegaard wrote seven books, ran out of money, laid down and died.
Quotation—If any question why we died tell them because our fathers lied. —Rudyard Kipling
John Locke is the single most important influence shaping the founding of the United States. He was a 17th century English philosopher who redefined the nature of government. According to Locke, the duty of government is to protect the natural rights of the people, which include life, liberty and property. Locke said individuals have the right to the fruits of their labours only if they leave enough and as good for others. But were not leaving enough and as good for others. The sixth mass extinction is an ongoing extinction event of species during the present epoch as a result of human activity. An extinction event is a widespread and rapid decrease in biodiversity.
Quotation—I want to know God’s thoughts; the rest are details. —Albert Einstein
Deborah Harry wrote: Stop fucking the planet! on her apron when Blondie played in Calgary a few years ago not 200 meters from my apartment. She did a cartwheel in a miniskirt right in front of me thirty years earlier at the Auckland Townhall in New Zealand.
Quotation—Freedom is lost when the subject surrenders to the object. —Roger Scruton
My situation is that I have spent, of my own money, $22,000 on my website and $18,000 on my books and other work in the community relating to Philosophy Magazine and Risk Management Services over the past eight years. I owe $14,500 on my line of credit and $3,000 on my credit card, and have no way to pay them off. My course of action is to transfer $35,000 from my TD disability savings account to my BMO checking account, pay down my debt, use $2,500 for The Bernoulli Model book, and use the remaining $15,000 to restart Risk Management Services. 👍
Quotation—People for whom the power of self-awareness is poorly developed cannot grasp it as a separate power and tend to think of it as nothing more than a slight extension of consciousness. —EF Schumacher
Locke said we are compelled by reason to acknowledge the existence of natural, inalienable rights and duties independent of convention, agreement or contract. I am reasonably asking for your support in helping me put food on the table and philosophy across the sky. You can send funds to my email address ( at PayPal, or mail me a cheque along with a note.
Quotation—Give me one fixed-point and I will move the earth. —Archimedes
I believe that I deserve special consideration on account of my books, website and work in the community including My Holy and Divine Proclamation of The Philosopher King Christ, Sovereign of Earth. Hear me now and from now on as I shout from the rooftops: You owe me a response! I am presenting genuine philosophical, scientific, metaphysical and ontologically valid arguments! My arguments are simple, beautiful, reasonable and faithful! Answer Me NOW, Please!!!
Christopher Bek
Genius is the art of generalizing and choosing. —Eugène Delacroix