Subject—The Eleventh Commandment

Right Honourable Mary Simon
Right Honourable Justin Trudeau
Right Honourable Richard Wagner
Honourable Sonya Savage
Honourable Kent Hehr
Dr Roy Turner, Rockyview
Denis Villeneuve, Film Director
Honourable Danielle Smith
Honourable Rachel Notley
Right Honourable Joe Bidden
Suzanne Kendall, Alberta Crown Prosecutor

Mr Christopher Bek
602, 1133 Eighth Avenue SW
Calgary AB Canada T2P 1J7
The Theory of One
Existentialism Now
The Bernoulli Model, .org, .net
26 April 2024

Dear Suzanne Kendall,
Subject—The Eleventh Commandment
Quotation—Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change the world which yields most painfully to change. —Robert F Kennedy

Thank you for your offer. I wish to now make a counteroffer with a Commandment of My own. I say Commandment because I am speaking as The Divine Right Honourable Philosopher King Christ Lloyd Bek. And I have a Rocky Mountain range of evidence proving My Identity—along with many other Third Millennium Truths—on My website:
I Command you to grant Me a One-Day Trial of Christ 2.0 where the Court (with the three Right Honourables as Judges) and the public may hear the following arguments:
1. Consider My Bank Robbery Charge. (I am a Whistleblower—The Government is Raping Me)
2. Consider arguments concerning My Identity.
3. Consider arguments for awarding Me The Order of Canada.
4. Consider ordering the psychiatrists to deprescribe Me from antipsychotics.
5. Consider ordering the psychiatrists to pay Me one thousand dollars per month as a consulting fee for My Metaphysical writing and modeling services.
6. Consider ordering the Governor General to pay Me the equivalent of the Governor General’s salary for life plus ten years as compensation for being King Christ Lloyd Bek.
7. Consider charging the Honourables and Doctors in Canada with Treason (against the Children and the Sovereign) for employing the bad metaphysics of determinism.

Trifecta of Truth. My three primary physical-metaphysical projects are: Existentialism Now, The Theory of One, and The Bernoulli Model, representing the three legs of the stool of metaphysics, that I have been developing for 25 years. They embody a large portion of my contribution to Metaphysics in the Third Millennium. The laws of metaphysics are generally referred to as the “first principles”, because they are principles that have to be used in all processes of reasoning.

Existentialism Now. The Metaphysical leg of Existence or Being or the self or the psyche. I am arguing that the Honourables and Doctors in Canada currently employ behaviourism, which leads to determinism, which leads to totalitarianism. Whereas determinism predicts a chain of causation to occur in a fixed, predetermined fashion for all universal events, Existentialism’s Jean-Paul Sartre says: “Every man who sets up a determinism is a dishonest man.” Behaviourism, determinism, and totalitarianism shout at the Everyman: “Know your role! Know your role!” Conversely, Existentialism Now says: “Total freedom! Total responsibility!”

The Theory of One. The Metaphysical leg of Reality or God or Nature or the Universe or the World. An accurate portrayal of the current state of modern society can be found in David Russell quote: We live in a Newtonian world of Einsteinian physics ruled by Frankenstein logic. Or, as John Polkinghorne said: Your average quantum mechanic is about as philosophically minded as your average garage mechanic. The problem is that neither physicists nor philosophers have provided us with a simple, beautiful and reasonable Metaphysical perspective on relativity and quantum theory, and how to unite these two pillars of modern thought. My The Theory of One looks at the universe and sees it whole, thereby uniting relativity theory and quantum theory. I am able to achieve this because I see reality sub specie aeternitatis (Latin for under the aspect of eternity).

The Bernoulli Model. The Metaphysical leg of identity or individuality or portfolio theory or Being-in-the-World. Social scientists currently employ the two-moment normal distribution extensively throughout the social sciences. The Cauchy distribution, like the normal, is also symmetric about the mean and is, in fact, a normal divided by a normal. The Cauchy is a pathological distribution owing to its extremely long tails and, as a result, has undefined moments. However, the first four moments become well-defined if one truncates the tails—making for a fourmoment representation of risk: mean, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis. In essentially describing the movement from the normal to the truncated-Cauchy, William Hubben wrote in 1952: Dostoevsky and Nietzsche cherished the deviation from the normal as a stimulate, ordained by fate to strengthen the will to resist, to live more exaltedly, and to probe more deeply into the mysteries of existence.

Working Out My Salvation With Diligence. Socrates said that he would rather die than give up philosophy. I would rather die than give up Unless I am recognized as Divine and receive additional funding (I need $1,000 per month for my website, my books, and other business expenses), I am in trouble. I followed the Buddha’s advice and have worked out My salvation with diligence, and am ready for Ascension. By sticking to its deterministic script, where everyone lies all the time, the Government is, in effect, snuffing Me out as I do not fit inside the normal curve. I am a mathematician, actuary, philosopher, scientist, metaphysician, consultant, whistle-blower, and published writer—and a one hundred-sigma event. The Everyman is a nice guy but is, in contrast to Me, a complete fucking idiot. According to, 95 percent of people believe they are self-aware, but the real number is 10 to 15 percent.

Countdown to Oblivion. Frank Fenner (1914-2010) was an Australian researcher who cured small pox; for which The World Health Organization declared his accomplishment the greatest humanitarian achievement of all time. In 2010 Fenner prophesied that mankind would go extinct within a hundred years because of overpopulation, deforestation, and climate change. That is the year 2110—less than 86 years from now. If, at this point, you choose not to honour My Commandment, then you are selecting the status quo, and Mankind will thus continue on its
deterministic march towards extinction. Alternatively, yielding to my argument Here would mark Now as the initiation of a paradigm shift that could well become our turning point towards Salvation. I beg of you—help Me help the Children. It would be astute of you to agree.

Know God’s thoughts; follow the argument; be self-aware; take responsibility; and swing wild!
The Right Honourable Christopher Bek, The Philosopher King Christ, Sovereign of Earth, Christ 2.0