The Theory of One Essentials


 A successful business executive is a forecaster first—purchasing, production, marketing, pricing and organizing all follow.

—Peter Bernstein

 The original compact is not made with a sovereign power since the existence of such a power is the end result and not the foundation of the compact.

—Roger Scruton

Natural rights are inalienable—ie. even if you seek to bargain them away you cannot since they are they are not the kind of thing that can be bargained.

—Roger Scruton

We are compelled by reason to acknowledge the existence of natural, inalienable rights and duties independent of convention, agreement or contract.

—John Locke

The Bernoulli Form elucidates the notion of Platonic Forms in describing how a motley crew of Forms—including Delphi, forecasting, integration, utility, optimization, efficiency and complementary—come together to form The Bernoulli Model.

The Method of Moments elucidates the notion of Platonic Forms in describing how a motley crew of Forms—including Delphi, forecasting, integration, utility, optimization, efficiency and complementary—come together to form The Bernoulli Model.

The Efficient Frontier examines the notions of God, option theory, portfolio theory, faith, reason and Arab mathfinally arriving at the inescapable conclusion that all roads of sound decisionmaking lead to the efficient frontier.

The Unpardonable Sin charges all honourables and doctors in Canada with heresy, child abuse and the unpardonable sin that Christ spoke of—which is the deliberate refusal to follow the light when seen.

The Uncertainty Principle contrasts Einstein with Heisenberg, relativity with quantum theory, behavioralism with existentialism, certainty with uncertainty and philosophy with science—finally arriving at the inescapable Platonic conclusion that the true philosopher is always striving after Being and will not rest with those multitudinous phenomena whose existence are appearance only.

A Formal Patient congratulates Alberta Health and Wellness for insisting on the accountability of due process in declaring individuals to be formal patients—and argues that I am being considered a formal patient as the result of an absence of due process elsewhere in Canada—and that I should not be considered a formal patient but that I should be declared disabled on account of being outside the cave of behaviorism.

Singularity identifies the trigger of the looming paradigm shift from the three-dimensionally conscioused Everyman to the four-dimensionally conscioused Superman as the 1935 Schrödinger’s Cat though problem—which proves that consciousness is real.

The Great Cosmic Accounting Blunder compares the two physical fixedpoints in the universe—lightspeed and Planck’s constant—and argues that we have been guilty of double counting up until now and that in fact there is but one fixedpoint—which, as it turns out, is the boundary of the universe. 

The Unified Field Theory counts down the Euclidean hits from five to one in categorically nailing the vast majority of this little thing I like to call cosmic pi.  At this point in spacetime I would like to pay special tribute to my excellent wingman Albert Einstein (1879–1955).

Closing the Liars Loophole identifies the malignant cancer within the healthcare system and society as the outwardly focusing behavioral psychological model, which denies the existence of consciousness—while the inwardly focusing existential model makes consciousness and the soul primordially important.

Summary—This essay performs a phenomenological examination of the universe. A phenomenological examination of a glass of beer might go something like this—A cold, amber-colored liquid with bubbles that is generally considered to taste good and has an intoxicating effect.

Quotation—Albert Einstein discovered that even the most complex notions could be reduced to a simple set of fundamental conclusions. —Paul Strathern

A young woman recently read my The Theory of One book four timesand then checked into the hospital. Too much truth all at once, I suppose. Alas, let the reader be aware of the truth and its power.

Starting on Time. Time is a continual progress that measures our existence. It flows like a river from the past to the present and into the future. Saint Augustine (354-430) said, “The universe was created with time and not in time.” Inside the universe is space-time while outside the universe is nothingness or eternity. And the answer to the question of what happened before the big bang is nothing. The term before has no meaning outside of spacetime as it is a temporal concept. If a phenomenon is true at all points inside spacetime, then it is eternally true. Theoretical physicists work to produce eternal truths and then experimental physicists try to prove them empirically. Science demands experimental proof of theoretical physics even though theoretical physicists, like Einstein, see no need for such proofs. Spacetime is the canvas on which we play. In our spare time we may even wish to seek out an eternal truth or two. Interestingly, Einstein insisted that spacetime is nothing more than an intuition of the mind. As such, reality only exists in our minds.

The Big Bang. The big bang theory is the predominant cosmological model of the universe that began fourteen billion years ago from a single point in spacetime into its subsequent large-scale existence. God is a being of light or photon that comes into existence, produces a primordial particle in Her womb which then splits into an electron (matter) and a positron (antimatter). This can also be seen metaphorically when Adam ate an apple and was expelled from Eden. The violation of nothingness occurs inside the God particle and is the big bang. This ferocious explosion seemingly produced a trillion, billion stars out of nothing. However, the conservation of energy law says that matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed. I would contend that the stars are not actually there and God is putting on a production for our benefit. The energy and matter that does exist in the universe comes from the miracles of life, consciousness and self-awareness.

The Ontological Arguments. Ontology is the study of being that describes the fundamental elements that compose reality. The four ontology levels of being are matter, life, consciousness and self-awareness. Man is a cocktail of the first three levels of being and on rare occasions may even glimpse self-awareness. God is pure self-awareness. The ontological argument is a theoretical proof of the existence of God put forth by Saint Anselm (1033-1109). The argument says that because we can conceive of a perfect being in our minds, that being must necessarily exist—for otherwise the being would lack an essential component of perfection—namely existence. My theory of one adds to Anselm’s argument by revealing that his argument actually brings God into existence. God’s existence at the moment of the big bang and Anselm’s lucid thought are eternal, synchronous events. They each caused the other simultaneously. Anselm proved God exists, I proved how God came to exist, and Einstein proved that God is the laws of nature.

The Cat and The Moon. Quantum theory (1925) is a model of the microcosmos inside the atom. In 1935 Erwin Schrödinger set forth his classic thought problem with the intention of demonstrating the absurdity of the probabilistic interpretation of his wave equation. A quantum-cat is placed in a box such that no one can know what is happening inside. A quantum is the smallest unit of energy that can exist. A device releases either food or poison with equal probability—and the cat meets its fate—or does it?  Schrödinger absurdly argued that the cat must be both alive and dead until the observer opens the box. The thought problem thus leads us to the counterintuitive conclusion that the observer’s consciousness determines perceived reality. A fractal is a natural pattern that exhibits self-similarity of phenomena throughout the universe. It tells us small phenomena shares patterns with big phenomena. Relativity theory (1905) is a model of the macrocosmos of stars, planets and moons. In 1945 Einstein asked whether the Moon exists when no one is looking at it. The theory of one employs fractals to link the microcosmos of quantum theory with the macrocosmos of relativity theory. It brings together the Cat and the Moon so in both cases consciousness determines perceived reality.

The Bounded Universe. Light speed and Planck’s constant are the two primary universal constants. According to relativity theory, if an object were to accelerate to light speed it would shrink to zero height. I am thus saying that light speed is a boundary of spacetime. According to quantum theory, causality fails inside the atom that is bounded at Planck’s constant. Causality is simply an ordering of spacetime. No causality means no spacetime. So metaphorically speaking, the universe is like a slice of Swiss cheese. The cheese itself is spacetime and the holes in the cheese along with the region outside the cheese are filled with nothingness. Subatomic particles are able to cross the boundary and return in accordance with Schrödinger’s probability wave equation—thus disproving Einstein’s claim that, “God does not play dice.” The term probability refers to both the wave equation and the dice.

The Boundary Medium. A hundred and twenty years ago physicists came up with the notion of ether as the medium that supports both waves and particles. Einstein proved that ether does not exist but did not identify the medium that does support perceived reality. Just like a movie screen is a medium that supports images—the boundary between spacetime and nothingness is the medium that supports waves and particles. This surface is just like the waves between ocean and air. The boundary exists right in front of our eyes. Dolphin-like electrons jump in and out of the ocean of space-time and create probability waves at this boundary. The probability waves determine where electrons will likely re-enter spacetime. Electrons weave in and out of spacetime and generate the tapestry that is perceived reality.

One Photon. In characterizing relativity, consider a stick traveling through spacetime. If it were traveling at 87 percent of light speed, it would shrink to half its original height. If the stick were to achieve light speed it would disappear from the spacetime continuum altogether. By recognizing that beings of light or photons travel at light speed, we can see that photons exist at this boundary of spacetime. As such, one could imagine a universe populated by a fantastic number of photons zipping around the periphery. So why would the universe need more than one photon if photons exist at the boundary of spacetime? It does not and there is only one photon. This one photon encapsulates the universe like a pearl containing a grain of sand. The sand represents the universe of matter and the pearl substance itself represents Heaven that contains God, Souls and Platonic Forms.

One God. The English monk William of Ockham (1285-1349) was known for his keen sense of logic and enduring theological ideologies. Going against the philosophy of his time, Ockham put forth his now famous principle of economy—which states that if all things are equal, the simplest theory tends to be the right one. Ockham employed his principle so frequently and with such purpose that it became known as Ockham’s razor. Paul Dirac (1902-84) was just twenty-six years old when he discovered antimatter as the antielectron or positron. In putting his own enlightened spin on Ockham’s razor, Dirac claimed it is more important to have beautiful theories and equations than to have them fit the data. The theory of one model of the big bang says the lone photon encapsulates the universe. This argument that the one photon is God is simple, beautiful and reasonable—and is therefore true by definition.

The Reality Façade. Imagine watching a movie. Do you believe it is real or a production? If you believe it is a production, then why do you believe reality is any different? This belief that reality is a façade goes back centuries to the Mystics, Tantrics and Idealists. There are movies like The Matrix and The Thirteenth Floor that present the illusion of reality existing inside a computer. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) said the energy which operates our minds is no different than the energy that operates the universe. Consciousness is a metaphysical swirling vortex of energy that is housed in our physical brains. It creates energy like the interest earned on a bank account. Consciousness is the perceptual apparatus by which we comprehend reality and the essence of reality is fundamentally different than our conscious perception of it. Bishop George Berkeley (1685-1753) wrote, “All the choir of heaven and furniture of earth—in a word all those bodies which compose the mighty frame of the world—have not any substance without the mind. So long as they are not perceived by me, or do not exist in my mind or in the mind of any spirit, they have no existence whatsoever.”

Conclusion. The universe was created with time and not in time. The big bang theory aligns with the theory of one. The theory of one proves how God came into existence. Consciousness determines perceived reality. The universe is bounded. The boundary of spacetime is the medium that supports waves and particles. There is only one photon. The lone photon is God. And reality is an illusion—so the Moon does not exist when no one is looking at it.