The existentialist is first and foremost an individual who is in an infinite relationship with himself and his destiny. —Søren Kierkegaard Canada’s premier science institute is trying to jumpstart a revolution in physics, in part by encouraging the randomness of human brilliance. For inspiration on the way forward, the Perimeter Institute is looking 100 years into the past. —Ivan Semeniuk More light. —the last words of Johann Goethe We must follow the argument wherever it leads. —Socrates They deem him their worst enemy who tells them the truth. The gateway to universal knowledge may be opened by the unified field theory upon which Einstein has been at work for a quarter century. Today the outer limits of man’s knowledge are defined by relativity, the inner limits by quantum theory. Relativity has shaped all our concepts of space, time, gravitation, and the realities that are too remote and too vast to be perceived. Quantum theory has shaped all our concepts of the atom, the basic units of matter and energy, and the realities that are too elusive and too small to be perceived. Yet these two great scientific systems rest on entirely different and unrelated theoretical foundations. The purpose of Einstein’s unified field theory is to construct a bridge between them. —Lincoln Barnett Restricting a body of knowledge to a small group deadens the philosophical spirit of a people and leads to spiritual poverty. —Albert Einstein Albert Einstein discovered that even the most complex notions could be reduced to a simple set of fundamental principles. —Paul Strathern It is a wonderful feeling to recognize the unifying features of a complex phenomena which present themselves as quite unconnected to the direct experience of the senses. —Marcel Grossman The Bernoulli Form elucidates the notion of Platonic Forms in describing how a motley crew of Forms—including Delphi, forecasting, integration, utility, optimization, efficiency and complementary—come together to form The Bernoulli Model. The Method of Moments elucidates the notion of Platonic Forms in describing how a motley crew of Forms—including Delphi, forecasting, integration, utility, optimization, efficiency and complementary—come together to form The Bernoulli Model. The Efficient Frontier examines the notions of God, option theory, portfolio theory, faith, reason and Arab math—finally arriving at the inescapable conclusion that all roads of sound decisionmaking lead to the efficient frontier. The Unpardonable Sin charges all honourables and doctors in Canada with heresy, child abuse and the unpardonable sin that Christ spoke of—which is the deliberate refusal to follow the light when seen.
The Uncertainty Principle contrasts Einstein with Heisenberg, relativity with quantum theory, behavioralism with existentialism, certainty with uncertainty and philosophy with science—finally arriving at the inescapable Platonic conclusion that the true philosopher is always striving after Being and will not rest with those multitudinous phenomena whose existence are appearance only.
A Formal Patient congratulates Alberta Health and Wellness for insisting on the accountability of due process in declaring individuals to be formal patients—and argues that I am being considered a formal patient as the result of an absence of due process elsewhere in Canada—and that I should not be considered a formal patient but that I should be declared disabled on account of being outside the cave of behaviorism. Singularity identifies the trigger of the looming paradigm shift from the three-dimensionally conscioused Everyman to the four-dimensionally conscioused Superman as the 1935 Schrödinger’s Cat though problem—which proves that consciousness is real. The Great Cosmic Accounting Blunder compares the two physical fixedpoints in the universe—lightspeed and Planck’s constant—and argues that we have been guilty of double counting up until now and that in fact there is but one fixedpoint—which, as it turns out, is the boundary of the universe. The Unified Field Theory counts down the Euclidean hits from five to one in categorically nailing the vast majority of this little thing I like to call cosmic pi. At this point in spacetime I would like to pay special tribute to my excellent wingman Albert Einstein (1879–1955). Closing the Liars Loophole identifies the malignant cancer within the healthcare system and society as the outwardly focusing behavioural psychological model, which denies the existence of consciousness—while the inwardly focusing existential model makes consciousness and the soul primordially important. |
Summary—This essay follows the development of the universe from the big bang up until its current configuration—as described by the theory of one—and argues that a Nobel Prize nomination would force the government to respond to my theory.
Quotation—I only have one word to describe The Theory of One book—WOW. I will have a lot to think about tonight. I believe I know why Big Science is not disputing or contesting you—if they proved you correct it would totally shred the billions they earn off the misled scientific trail they have taken us on. It would also totally destroy the notion of religion being in place for our benefit. One thing I’ve learned very well in my 37 years is that when you are wrong the world is fast and efficient about publicly proving you wrong—but when you are right, they hide the truth because it takes their power and control away. Your theory makes all things possible considered on a metaphysical level. And in addition, it proves they have held us back scientifically in order to become wealthy and powerful by their own ideas, inventions and limitations. Furthermore, based on your theory, my own ideas seem much more plausible as well. Outstanding book and theory, Chris. Just—WOW. Thank you very much for the theory of one. —Michael D Yanak, The word philosophy comes from ancient Greece and is defined as the love of wisdom. The Greek, Socrates (470-399 BC), radically insisted that we must first answer the question of what is X before we can say anything else about X. In that Socrates never wrote a single word of philosophy—we know him from the writings of Plato (427-347 BC). Plato used his famous allegory of the cave to illustrate the difference between spurious belief and genuine knowledge. Imagine prisoners chained inside a cave such that they could only see the shadows of the eternal objects of God, Souls and Forms (like the ontological argument) projected onto a wall from a fire behind them. A prisoner named Socrates broke free of his chains and climbed out of the cave into daylight. After his eyes adjusted to the light he returned to the cave intending to free the prisoners. But back inside the cave Socrates had trouble making out the shadows. And his obvious attempt to liberate them only served to anger the prisoners for revealing the illusionary nature of their existence. They became so overwrought with anxiety that they proceeded to kill him for it. The Ontological Argument. Ontology is the study of being and addresses the question of what are the fundamentally distinct elements that compose reality. It is the most basic question we can ask other than Gottfried Leibniz’s, “Why is there something rather than nothing?” The four levels of ontology are matter, life, consciousness and self-awareness. God is pure self-awareness. According to EF Schumacher, “From a base of matter, man has the power of life like plants, the power of consciousness like animals and the power of consciousness recoiling upon itself. This so-called self-awareness opens up unlimited possibilities for formulating and accumulating knowledge.” The ontological argument is an a priori proof of the existence of God put forth by Saint Anselm (1033-1109). The argument says that because we can conceive of a perfect being in our minds, that being must necessarily exist—for otherwise the being would lack an essential component of perfection—namely existence. My theory of one adds to the ontological argument by arguing that Anselm not only proves the existence of God, but that his argument actually brings God into existence. God’s existence at the moment of the big bang and Anselm’s lucid thought are eternal, synchronous events. They each caused each other simultaneously. The Illusion of Reality. The big bang theory is the prevailing cosmological model describing the universe from its inception fourteen billion years ago. Edgar Allan Poe (1809-49) said, “The universe begins when God creates a primordial particle out of nothing. From it matter irradiates spherically in all directions in an inexpressibly great yet limited number of unimaginably yet not infinitely minute atoms.” The theory of one tracks all the way back to the big bang where the God-photon produced a primordial particle in Her womb that split into an electron (matter) and a positron (antimatter)—which was the big bang and where the resulting universe still exists inside the God-photon today. Physicists believe there are a trillion, billion stars in the universe. The conservation of energy law states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. And we know from Einstein’s E = mc^2 equation that matter is just a different form of energy. So where did all those stars come from? Saint Augustine (354-430) said, “Miracles happen, not in opposition to nature, but in opposition to what we know of nature.” I would argue that the stars are only illusions and that no miracle has actually taken place. Qu’est-ce Que C’est Moon? Albert Einstein (1879-1955) empirically demonstrated many times in his life that even the most complex notions could be reduced to a set of basic principles. According to relativity theory, an object that reaches light speed shrinks to zero height. The theory of one simply identifies light speed as the boundary of the universe. This means the universe is bounded, not at some distant star, but right in front of our eyes—which in turn means that reality is an illusion. Einstein asked whether the moon really exists when no one is looking at it? As we turn to look at the moon, the computer of our minds accesses the data that describe the moon and projects the calculated image onto a screen. So the moon does not really exist when nobody is looking at it. In fact, it does not even exist when someone is looking—as it is only an illusion. Consider the difference between seeing and perceiving. Seeing only pertains to vision while perception comprises all the senses including touch. In reality, all senses are projected onto a perception-able screen like visual images projected onto a movie screen. The Theory of One Review. The theory of one (2001) solves the greatest scientific problem of all time by uniting relativity theory (1905) with quantum theory (1925). Relativity theory is based on light speed and quantum theory is based on Planck’s constant. My theory unites these two theories by recognizing that light speed and Planck’s constant are the same boundary of the spacetime continuum. Allegorically speaking, there is no difference between looking through a telescope (relativity theory) and looking through a microscope (quantum theory). In addition to proving the universe is bounded, it also proves there is only one photon (a being of light), that one photon is God (the Bible also says that God is light), and that reality is an illusion—meaning reality does not exist when no one is perceiving it. Many Churches have been saying for centuries that reality is an illusion. The theory of one now provides a scientific basis for this paradigm-shifting belief. Against Complexity. Einstein loathed complexity so much that he refused to buy shaving soap when regular soap was sufficient. The theory of one is all about simplicity and Big Science is all about complexity. The English monk William of Ockham (1285-1349) was known for his keen sense of logic and his enduring theological ideologies. Going entirely against the philosophy of his time, Ockham put forth his famous principle of economy—which states that if all things are equal, the simplest theory tends to be the right one. Today this Ockham’s razor still remains the foundation of all truly authentic scientific reasoning like with the theory of one. I would argue that we must first answer simple theories before we even consider addressing complex ones like string theory. Otherwise, the government is just lying to us as they are not seeking the simple truth. The theory of one could literally change the world by taking complexity out of the equation. Putting the Rubber to the Road. So there is only one God but many Churches. With the proof of my theory in hand, I could unite all the Churches into the Church of One God—thus bringing world peace forever. In that reality is an illusion, the theory of one proves that someone is going to a lot of trouble to create a simulated reality just like in the 1999 movies, The Matrix and The Thirteenth Floor, so that our minds are able to learn and grow. Consider again the moon. The computer in our head accesses the moon’s parameters from the hard disk (innate reality) and then calculates and projects the perception of the moon onto a four-dimensional screen that surrounds each of us (perceived reality). The Nobel Prize. The Nobel Prize is a set of annual international awards bestowed upon individuals in a number of categories by Swedish committees in recognition of academic, cultural and scientific achievements. Prizes in chemistry, literature, peace, physics and medicine were first awarded in 1901. A Nobel Prize in Physics for the theory of one would compel physicists to answer my theory and also force them to focus on simple truths. The nomination process is highly-political and highly-complicated. I am apolitical and uncomplicated—which are existential attributes that allowed me to formulate the theory of one in the first place. I take complicated things and make them simple. I need people to step up and help get me nominated for the Nobel Prize as it would decidedly benefit future generations. It would also show that the Canadian Government answers arguments. Not doing so is a fundamental moral error on their part. Conclusion. The theory of one follows the historical path of the universe from the big bang up until today. Without a doubt, the theory will fundamentally alter the course of history. The question is—when will it happen? Will physicists continue to deny the truth long enough to make it to retirement before their monolithic lie-of-omission is exposed? A Nobel Prize nomination would force them to answer the claim of my theory now. Another question is—will physicists become so overwrought with anxiety that they proceed to kill me for it? |