The Unpardonable Sin

SummaryThe Unpardonable Sin charges all honourables and doctors in Canada with heresy, child abuse and the unpardonable sin that Christ spoke of—which is the deliberate refusal to follow the light when seen

Quote  There are only two kinds of immoral conduct. The first is due to indifference, thoughtlessness and failure to reflect upon what is for the common good. The second is represented by the unpardonable sin that Christ spoke of—which is the deliberate refusal to follow the light when seen.—Robert Millikan

Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump in Southern Alberta is a world heritage site and is among the oldest, largest and most well-preserved buffalo jumps in the world.  A world heritage site is a very special place that preserves the legacy of either a Godmade or manmade creation.  Other world heritage sites include the Grand Canyon, the Statue of Liberty and the Pyramids of Egypt.  Head-Smashed-In was used from 4000 BC until 1850.  By comparison, the first Pyramids of Egypt were not built until 1400 years after the inception of the buffalo jump located two hours south of Calgary.  The buffalo jump was an apparatus used by the Plains Indians to drive large numbers of buffalos over a precipice to their death in order to provide food, clothing, utensils, shelter and weapons that made possible a strong, enduring and spiritual culture that lasted for six millennia until the White Man and his superior ways of Western civilization came along and ended it.  In addition to their scientifically-advanced buffalo jumps, the Plains Indians applied sophisticated risk management practices based on a seven-year cycle—and held the superior philosophic view that we do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors but that we borrow it from our children.

Western Civilization.  According to William Barrett in his 1958 book Irrational Man—reason, the ability to arrive at certain knowledge, was a Greek invention.  3500 years after Head-Smashed-In began, Pythagoras provided the first realization of certain knowledge by proving the Pythagorean theorem, which establishes certain or a priori knowledge that the square of the hypotenuse of a right-angle triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the two sides.  Certainly the Egyptians made use of the Pythagorean theorem in the engineering of their pyramids—but only as an empirical or a posteriori rule of thumb.  The realization of certain knowledge has profound psychological implications in that the primordial urge of the psyche or ego is towards certainty.  Knowing this, the superego spuriously promises the ego certainty as the reward for good behavior.  The capacity to construct rational arguments for arriving at certain knowledge that must be either challenged or accepted lies at the heart of scientific discovery, the legal process and Western civilization.

Cowboys and Indians.  A hundred years after Head-Smashed-In was decommissioned, massive oil and gas fields were discovered in Alberta at Leduc, Redwater and Pembina.  If we assume there are two hundred years worth of fossil fuel remaining, history will show that Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump operated for twenty-five times longer than the Alberta petroleum industry.  Coincident with the petroleum discoveries, the twenty-five year-old University of Chicago student Harry Markowitz proved why putting all your eggs in one basket is unacceptable and why optimal risk-reward efficiency is the best one can do.  His revelation touched off an intellectual movement we are still struggling with today.  I recently presented a talk in Calgary on risk-reward efficiency.  The response I received was mostly eyes-glazed-over, and the most popular presentations addressed very specific risks without concern for efficiency.  It was then that I noticed some Plains Indians who had exactly same eyes-glazed-over look as the managers listening to my talk.  The ironic thing is that these people had mastered risk-reward efficiency millennia ago—but failed to account for the risk of being overrun by people who cared nothing about risk-reward efficiency.

Relativistic Trainspotting.  In 1905 Albert Einstein produced three papers—Brownian Motion, which is the basis of riskmodeling and the normal distribution—The Photoelectric Effect, which asserts that light exists as both particles and waves—and Special Relativity, which encapsulates Newtonian physics into Maxwellian wave mechanics thereby accounting for the dilation of spacetime.  In 1881 Michelson and Morley provided a posteriori validation of relativity by proving that the speed of light or c is invariably fixed.  According to Newtonian physics, velocities are additive so that a baseball thrown forward at seventy miles an hour from atop a train traveling at thirty miles an hour would be traveling at a hundred miles an hour.  One would expect a particle of light or photon projected from the headlight of the train to be traveling at lightspeed plus thirty miles an hour.  But the invariance of lightspeed reveals a contradiction in the additivity of velocity.  According to relativity, the length of the train begins to dilate once in motion.  Traveling at 87 percent of lightspeed, the length of the train would dilate by half in accordance with the Pythagorean theorem—ie. h^2 + (v/c)^2 = 1, v/c = .87, (v/c)^2 = .75, h^2 + .75 = 1, h^2 = .25, h = .50.  If the train were to accelerate to light­speed, its length would dilate to zero and would therefore exist at the boundary of spacetime.  In that photons by definition travel at light­speed, we can see that photons exist at the boundary of spacetime.

The Photoelectric Effect.  While relativity is what made Einstein famous, it was his photoelectric effect theory that won him the Nobel Prize.  Robert Millikan won the Nobel Prize for providing a posteriori validation of the photoelectric effect theory—which is the driving mechanism behind television cameras.  Millikan spent ten years trying to disprove the theory but in the end argued for it unambiguous verification.  In that photons exist at the boundary of spacetime, it can only be that there is one photon which is arguably coincident with God or Eve from the story of Creation and is also the flashpoint of the big bang.  Since the photon is at the boundary of spacetime, we see the big bang is occurring as we speak and the boundary of spacetime is the medium that supports waves of light.  Creation then begins when the photon splits into matter and antimatter or electrons and positrons.  By recognizing electrons and positrons as coincident with consciousness, we see that conscious is the perceptual apparatus by which we comprehend reality and the essence of reality is fundamentally different than our conscious perception of it.

Skillful Aiming.  The word stochastic comes from ancient Greece and is defined as skillful aiming.  Brownian motion delineates basic aiming or the forecasting process by predicting expected movements characterized by the mean or reward and standard deviation or risk—coinciding with the first two moments of a distribution.  The normal distribution is fully characterized by the first two moments and its tails extend no further than four standard deviations. The Cauchy represents the counter-allegory to the normal in that it possesses undefined moments arising from its extremely long tails.  The mean never converges because any extreme value shifts the previous mean.  This disparity between the normal and Cauchy is allegorically represented in Thomas Kuhn’s 1962 book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions with the difference between normal science and the paradigm shift.

Bad Behaviorism.  In 1637 René Descartes ended the superegomaniacal dark ages with his a priori Cartesian cogitocogito, ergo sum—I think, therefore I exist.  A sustained effort on the part of the mature ego enables the a posteriori realization of the self with certainty.  The Freudian cognitive model makes the ego or consciousness the decisionmaker who must choose between the internal values of the inward self or soul and the external authority of the superego.  By knowing the self we also know God the mathematician in that mathematics is the science of constructing rational arguments directed towards arriving at certain knowledge.  Behaviorism is the psychological theory employed exclusively in Canada contending that all human activity can be known through externally visible behavior or appearances—thereby denying the existence of consciousness and the possibility of self-realization.  Whereas the self exists in the eternal-now, the superego merely exists in the now and persists by mimicking the self thereby fooling the ego.  In that behaviorism demands the ego submit to the baseless authority of the superego, individuals under its dominion have no rational way of forecasting the future and therefore no sense of risk-reward efficiency—and in fact have no comprehension of anything beyond what the superego considers normal.

Conclusion.  The prudent man rule is the doctrine asserting that actions of authorities are held accountable to the standard of a prudent and reasonable person.  And it is certainly reasonable that Canadian honourables and doctors answer to the prudent man rule.  Posing important questions often takes us more than halfway to solving them—yet nowhere in the educational system are fundamentals like relativity simply presented—which clearly indicates the abuse of children.  The honourables and doctors are heretically representing themselves as looking out for the common good.  After exposing critical errors like behaviorism, they have further refused to follow the light when seen—thus committing the unpardonable sin.  Psychosis is the mental disorder characterized by impaired contact with reality.  The very definition of behaviorism denies any reality beyond appearances—thereby making it a recipe for psychosis.  It seems then that the master plan of the honourables and doctors is to run us all off Head-Smashed-In Civilization Jump.